Thursday, November 29, 2012

Samsung printer hack could let the wrong ones in (updated)

Samsung printer hack could let the wrong ones in

Typically, when we think of hacks, our minds conjure images of compromised security systems, personal computers or server farms, but printers? According to Neil Smith, a researcher from the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team, unauthorized access to those devices could be a very real threat -- if you happen to own a Samsung model. Discovered and submitted to the agency this past Monday, the exploit unearthed by Smith takes advantage of an "SNMP backdoor" : an internet protocol that allows for remote network administrative control without authentication. The vulnerability -- which would give hackers access to data sent to the printer, as well as control over it (think: ceaseless printing!) -- affects most units released before November of this year. For its part, Samsung's promised a patch will be forthcoming. But, in the meantime, if you want to avoid exposing any personal data or the possibility of a seemingly possessed printer, it's best you steer clear of rogue WiFi connections.

Update: CNET has published a statement from Samsung outlining the update schedule for affected printers. Firmware that fixes the issue will be available for all "current" models by November 30th, and for "all other models" by the end of the year. The company also recommends disabling SNMPv1.2 or switching to SNMPv3 mode until the updates are released.

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Source: ZDNet, CNET


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oops! Facebook admits to adding users to groups they left


2 days

NBC News

If you're confused over a recent email from Facebook regarding its data use policy, you're not alone.? The email ? with the subject line "Up... Read more

7 hrs.

A software glitch caused many Facebook users to find themselves members of old groups, ones they may have left a long time ago. More uncomfortably, some people were suddenly members of groups they'd even?been kicked out of. Facebook issued a statement confirming the details.

"A bug surfaced last night that caused some users to be re-added to groups that they previously belonged to," a Facebook spokesperson told NBC News. "We are working to resolve the issue now. In the meantime, we are rolling out a short-term fix for all closed groups that will make the content of those groups inaccessible to the re-added members."

At first, this bug may seem like an annoyance, leading to little more than?a pile of unwanted?notifications?? that's what we saw firsthand. However,?there could be some pretty nasty side-effects. Before Facebook issued that short-term fix, individuals who were added to closed (or "secret") groups were able to view all the non-public content in those groups as well as the current membership rosters. This could leave some sensitive posts vulnerable (though you really shouldn't be posting anything of that nature on Facebook in the first place, whether publicly or privately).

Even public groups (or closed groups which have been turned public since a user left them) can cause issues, as their membership rosters are now visible to everyone.

"I guess you now know that I belonged to a 'Flava of Love' group," Alberto Lima, a blogger for Noisecast,?wrote in a Facebook message alerting me of the glitch. "I swear I never watched the show!" Sure, Alberto. Sure.

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


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easy radish salad recipe |

an easy recipe for radish salad


G?day lovelies, logging in with pretty pics and pretty food this morning!

I love simple salads and I need them in my life, especially ones like this easy radish salad recipe and I will tell you for why.

Bottom line I am a tad on the lazy side and somehow my brain seems unable to handle anything that is too complicated?it happened when nappy brain occurred and never went away.

So simple salads are the way to go for me, one veggie is how I like it the best, dressed with easy everyday ingredients and a few herbs.

I think I have rambled on here before about a trip to France and a stop in a restaurant where the first course was a few lettuce leaves and the most amazing vinaigrette I have ever tasted in my life and have yet to taste since?.it made me change my view on salad for like ever.

beach nautical cottage blog

This requires nothing more than a big old bunch of radishes and even if you think that you could never eat a big old bunch of radishes I think you might be surprised with this little beauty in your life.



When I first came across this slicing of radishes and not much else I thought it sounded wonderful but what about the Beach Cottage Crew and the distinctive tang of radish and not much else?? Not so much, I knew it would not work for them.

So I fiddled around a bit, tried a couple of other recipes from the internet, most seem to include cucumber which didn?t really cut the mustard with me, found some that involved Italian dressing from a bottle?but now have settled on this?

a radish

This is just light and fresh and easy and lovely?it pairs up very nicely with some roast meat or indeed on the side of the big open sandwiches we often have the day after roasted meat?

a dish of sliced radish

beach cottage

1 bunch radishes finely sliced

1/2 cup sour cream

salt & pepper

bunch chives chopped

juice of 1 lemon

1 tsp sugar

1. combine sour cream, sugar, lemon juice, chives in bowl

2. add radishes, season and mix

3. garnish with chives

** I don?t always have chives growing in the garden or in the house, if you don?t either use Parsley (my go-to herb) *I am not a lover of sugar in salad dressings, it works here


don?t want to forget?

pin me here!


abeachcottage easy recipe

Rightio I?ll be off ladies.

Yours in radish slicing


Barley blogged here this morning, he has the life I want xo


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New understanding of X chromosome inactivation

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? In a paper published in the Nov. 21 issue of Cell, a team led by Mauro Calabrese, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina in the lab of Terry Magnuson, chair of the department of genetics and member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, broadens the understanding of how cells regulate silencing of the X chromosome in a process known as X-inactivation.

"This is a classic example of a basic research discovery. X-inactivation is a flagship model for understanding how non-coding RNAs orchestrate large-scale control of gene expression. In the simplest terms, we are trying to understand how cells regulate expression of their genes. Our findings are relevant across the board -- by understanding how normal cells function we can apply that knowledge to similar situations in the understanding and treatment of disease," said Calabrese.

Proper regulation of the X chromosome plays a crucial role in mammalian development. Females inherit a pair of X chromosomes from their parents, and the process of X-inactivation shuts down one of these two Xs.

"Males have XY. Females have two Xs. One of those Xs needs to get shut off. If it does not, it's not compatible with life. It's how we have evolved to equalize doses between males and females," said Calabrese.

While the manner in which the X chromosome is deactivated has been actively studied for 50 years, the exact mechanisms that regulate the process remain a mystery. Calabrese's research used high-throughput sequencing to determine the location and activity of chromosomes with far greater accuracy than previous research.

"Basically, this is using the sequencing technology as a high resolution microscope," said Calabrese.

Under a microscope, the inactive X chromosome (Xi) appears as a cloud-like structure, because it is covered with a non-coding RNA known as Xist. In the traditional model of X-inactivation, genes located inside the cloud are completely silenced, with 15 percent of the genes from the inactive X chromosomes escaping to become active.

"The prevailing thought was that genes that escaped X inactivation were pulled out of the core and expressed out there," said Calabrese.

The work of Calabrese's team complicates the current model of X-inactivation by finding indications of gene activity inside the Xist cloud and the presence of inactive genes outside the cloud, both of which would not have been thought possible in the prevailing model.

"It's kind of a subtle thing, but mechanistically it is a big difference," said Calabrese.

Inside the Xist cloud, sequencing discovered traces of DNase I sensitivity, a feature usually linked to transcription activity. While other markers associated with transcription were absent, the presence of DNase I sensitivity suggested that the nucleus did recognize the inactive X as usable DNA, but an unknown suppressive mechanism was preventing genes from being activated.

"We were surprised to see that. If they were totally silent, you would expect this to be not there? This suggests that transcription factors or other proteins that bind DNA are still accessing the inactive X," said Calabrese.

The other surprising findings involve the 15 percent of "escaper" genes from the inactive X. Calabrese found evidence that active genes were found both inside and outside the Xist cloud, and that silenced genes that lay alongside active genes outside of the Xist cloud remained inactive.

"If X-inactivation was a strict nuclear barrier, then pulling a gene outside the barrier would turn it on, but it has got to be more than that because when an inactivated gene that is beside an escaper is outside this domain, it is still turned off," said Calabrese.

The presence of DNase I sensitivity within the Xist cloud and the finding of inactive genes outside of the cloud suggest that a site-specific mechanism is regulating genes on the chromosome in a more subtle way than the binary "on/off" function posited by the prevailing model. The exact mechanism for this remains unknown. Although Calabrese believes that Xist still plays a role, its exact function and whether other factors influence X-inactivation remain questions for future research.

"We know that Xist is required to turn off the inactive X. We know that. We have no idea how" said Calabrese.

Beyond revising the understanding of how X-inactivation works, Calabrese said that deeper understanding of the function of Xist could reveal more about the role of other non-coding RNAs in cellular development. These RNAs could become useful targets for future therapies and drug development.

"We know that too much expression of the wrong non-coding RNAs can lead to cancer. Also, forced expression of other non-coding RNAs can prevent cancer. Generally, we do not know how these RNAs work," said Calabrese.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of North Carolina Health Care. The original article was written by Mary Ruth.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J.?Mauro Calabrese, Wei Sun, Lingyun Song, Joshua?W. Mugford, Lucy Williams, Della Yee, Joshua Starmer, Piotr Mieczkowski, Gregory?E. Crawford, Terry Magnuson. Site-Specific Silencing of Regulatory Elements as a Mechanism of X Inactivation. Cell, 2012; 151 (5): 951 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2012.10.037

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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?Kill List? rule book may be coming soon to the White House

(Yahoo News/File)

The White House "kill list"--a regularly updated chart showing the world's most wanted terrorists used by President Barack Obama during kill or capture debates--may soon be getting a rule book to go with it.

According to the New York Times, the administration--faced with the possibility that President Obama might lose the 2012 election to Mitt Romney--"accelerated work in the weeks before the election to develop explicit rules for the targeted killing of terrorists by unmanned drones, so that a new president would inherit clear standards and procedures."

Until now, President Obama has had the "final moral calculation" overseeing the "kill list," the existence of which was first revealed in May in the wake of a drone strike that killed an al-Qaida leader.

But according to the paper, administration officials are looking to curb the power of the commander in chief with the rule book:

"There was concern that the levers might no longer be in our hands," said one official, speaking on condition of anonymity. With a continuing debate about the proper limits of drone strikes, Mr. Obama did not want to leave an "amorphous" program to his successor, the official said. The effort, which would have been rushed to completion by January had Mr. Romney won, will now be finished at a more leisurely pace, the official said.

President Obama has voiced his support for such rules.

"Creating a legal structure, processes, with oversight checks on how we use unmanned weapons is going to be a challenge for me and my successors for some time to come," President Obama said in an interview with author Mark Bowden for "The Finish," a book on the killing of Osama bin Laden. "There's a remoteness to it that makes it tempting to think that somehow we can, without any mess on our hands, solve vexing security problems."

[Also read: 'Secret kill list' shows president is final word on terrorist killing missions]

The U.S. drone program, which was launched by President George W. Bush, has been expanded under the current administration. Since Obama took office in 2009, there have been more 300 drone strikes carried out by the U.S. military, according to the Times.

Earlier this year, critics of the "kill list" launched a petition on the White House website to create a "Do Not Kill" list to protect U.S. citizens from drone strikes by their own government. The petition, though, failed to meet the 25,000-signature threshold required to get an official response from the White House.


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Maine should 'divorce' legal, ceremonial aspects of marriage ...

The voters of Maine have spoken, and same-sex marriage will soon be legal in the state.

There are undoubtedly those in the voting minority who feel their religious or cultural beliefs are harmed by the referendum result. Those in the voting majority may also feel hurt because their basic civil rights are still being questioned. How do we bridge this clash of values between civil rights and religious or moral beliefs?

Before and during the same-sex marriage referendum campaign, others, and I, began advocating a separation between the legal recognition of a relationship between a loving couple and the celebratory observance. I believe Maine should now, as a result of this election, ?divorce? the civil rights of couples from the celebrations, religious or otherwise, of their relationship.

Examples of these civil rights, previously available to married couples but not domestic partners, included tax and other financial advantages, transfers and inheritance of property, court testimony, child custody and health care and survivor benefits. These and all other rights will now be available to any legally married couple.

Currently, the legal knot between a couple can be tied by a notary public, a lawyer, a judge or an ordained member of the clergy in Maine. (It can also be performed with a temporary authorization by someone who is not a Maine resident). I believe the state of Maine could, and should, determine that the civil and legal rights of couples ought to be conferred only by a notary public, a lawyer or a judge. This could be called a ?civil union? or ?marriage? or any term the state chooses to give it.

The sanctification, celebration or confirmation of the relationship, with no legal aspects to it, could be performed by an ordained clergy member, or any other person chosen by the couple. This could be called a ?wedding? or ?commitment ceremony? or ?marriage? or whatever term the public and participants give to that event. Couples would not need to go through this second ceremony to gain all the legal rights that any couple currently ?married? now has.

While this separation doesn?t resolve all differences of viewpoints, it does more easily allow those with opposite views to maintain their own beliefs about what we now call ?marriage.? Those who want equal rights and treatment will get it through the legal ceremony; those who want to maintain their own religious and cultural ideas of what ?marriage? means to them will have it through their ?commitment? or ?wedding? ceremony.

This redefinition of who can perform ?marriages? creates a clearer separation between church and government, which has been a cornerstone of our political system for centuries. That blurred line has been a major part of the conflict surrounding marriage, since those with religious beliefs against same-sex marriage have opposed it, in part, because they see marriage as both a religious and legal institution.

This separation would clarify what the government?s role should be ? ensuring that certain classes of people are guaranteed their legal rights ? and where it shouldn?t have a role ? in how couples celebrate their relationship.

With this ?divorce? of civil rights from ceremony, religion wouldn?t have to worry as much about government telling it how to perform weddings, and same-sex marriage advocates wouldn?t have to be as concerned with religion trying to define loving relationships in a way that denies some couples their legal rights.

The 2013 Maine Legislature could accomplish this ?divorce? by altering those authorized ?to solemnize marriages? in Title 19-A of the Maine statutes. Currently, it includes justices or judges, lawyers who are admitted to the Maine Bar, notary publics, ordained clergy and nonresidents who obtain a ?temporary registration certificate.?

By limiting the right to ?solemnize? to only justices or judges, lawyers and notary publics, it would be clear that the ceremony was specifically for legal purposes. Couples could then celebrate and confirm their relationship in any way they chose ? religiously or nonreligiously, with or without clergy, or not at all.

I hope the Maine Legislature will consider and pass this change in the 2013 session.

Larry Dansinger of Monroe is a community organizer and works on projects for the nonviolent resolution of conflicts.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury

Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Kim Newman
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

November 26, 2012 (BRONX, NY) Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found that a special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique may be able to predict which patients who have experienced concussions will improve. The results, which were presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggest that, in some patients, the brain may change to compensate for the damage caused by the injury.

"This finding could lead to strategies for preventing and repairing the damage that accompanies traumatic brain injury," said Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., who led the study and is associate director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Einstein and medical director of MRI services at Montefiore, the University Hospital and academic medical center for Einstein.

Each year, 1.7 million people in the U.S., sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Concussions and other mild TBIs (or mTBIs) account for at least 75 percent of these injuries. Following a concussion, some patients experience a brief loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, attention deficit, depression and anxiety. Some of these conditions may persist for months or even years in as many as 30 percent of patients.

The Einstein study involved 17 patients brought to the emergency department at Montefiore and Jacobi Medical Centers and diagnosed with mTBI. Within two weeks of their injuries, the patients underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which "sees" the movement of water molecules within and along axons, the nerve fibers that constitute the brain's white matter. DTI allows researchers to measure the uniformity of water movement (called fractional anisotropy or FA) throughout the brain. Areas of low FA indicate axonal injury while areas of abnormally high FA indicate changes in the brain.

"In a traumatic brain injury, it's not one specific area that is affected but multiple areas of the brain which are interconnected by axons," said Dr. Lipton, who is also associate professor of radiology, of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience at Einstein. "Abnormally low FA within white matter has been correlated with cognitive impairment in concussion patients. We believe that high FA is evidence not of axonal injury, but of brain changes that are occurring in response to the trauma."

One year after their brain injury, the patients completed two standard questionnaires to assess their post-concussion symptoms and evaluate their health status and quality of life. "Most TBI studies assess cognitive function, but it is not at all clear if and how well such measures assess real-life functioning," said Dr. Lipton. "Our questionnaires asked about post-concussion symptoms and how those symptoms affected patients' health and quality of life."

Comparing the DTI data to the patient questionnaires, the researchers found that the presence of abnormally high FA predicted fewer post-concussion symptoms and better functioning. The results suggest that the brain may be actively compensating for its injuries in patients who exhibit areas of high FA on DTI.

"These results could lead to better treatment for concussion if we can find ways to enhance the brain's compensatory mechanisms." Dr. Lipton said.

Dr. Lipton's Einstein and Montefiore coauthors are Sara B. Rosenbaum, B.A., Namhee Kim, Ph.D., Ph.D., Craig A. Branch, Ph.D., Richard B. Lipton, M.D., and Molly E. Zimmerman, Ph.D.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. In 2012, Einstein received over $160 million in awards from the NIH for major research centers at Einstein in diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and AIDS, as well as other areas. Through its affiliation with Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, and six other hospital systems, the College of Medicine runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @EinsteinMed.

Montefiore Medical Center

As the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore is a premier academic medical center nationally renowned for its clinical excellence, scientific discovery and commitment to its community. Montefiore is consistently recognized among the top hospitals nationally by U.S. News & World Report, and excels at educating tomorrow's healthcare professionals in superior clinical and humanistic care. Linked by advanced technology, Montefiore is a comprehensive and integrated health system that derives its inspiration for excellence from its patients and community. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Twitter @MontefioreNews.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Researchers find evidence that brain compensates after traumatic injury [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Kim Newman
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

November 26, 2012 (BRONX, NY) Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found that a special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique may be able to predict which patients who have experienced concussions will improve. The results, which were presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), suggest that, in some patients, the brain may change to compensate for the damage caused by the injury.

"This finding could lead to strategies for preventing and repairing the damage that accompanies traumatic brain injury," said Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., who led the study and is associate director of the Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Einstein and medical director of MRI services at Montefiore, the University Hospital and academic medical center for Einstein.

Each year, 1.7 million people in the U.S., sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Concussions and other mild TBIs (or mTBIs) account for at least 75 percent of these injuries. Following a concussion, some patients experience a brief loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include headache, dizziness, memory loss, attention deficit, depression and anxiety. Some of these conditions may persist for months or even years in as many as 30 percent of patients.

The Einstein study involved 17 patients brought to the emergency department at Montefiore and Jacobi Medical Centers and diagnosed with mTBI. Within two weeks of their injuries, the patients underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which "sees" the movement of water molecules within and along axons, the nerve fibers that constitute the brain's white matter. DTI allows researchers to measure the uniformity of water movement (called fractional anisotropy or FA) throughout the brain. Areas of low FA indicate axonal injury while areas of abnormally high FA indicate changes in the brain.

"In a traumatic brain injury, it's not one specific area that is affected but multiple areas of the brain which are interconnected by axons," said Dr. Lipton, who is also associate professor of radiology, of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience at Einstein. "Abnormally low FA within white matter has been correlated with cognitive impairment in concussion patients. We believe that high FA is evidence not of axonal injury, but of brain changes that are occurring in response to the trauma."

One year after their brain injury, the patients completed two standard questionnaires to assess their post-concussion symptoms and evaluate their health status and quality of life. "Most TBI studies assess cognitive function, but it is not at all clear if and how well such measures assess real-life functioning," said Dr. Lipton. "Our questionnaires asked about post-concussion symptoms and how those symptoms affected patients' health and quality of life."

Comparing the DTI data to the patient questionnaires, the researchers found that the presence of abnormally high FA predicted fewer post-concussion symptoms and better functioning. The results suggest that the brain may be actively compensating for its injuries in patients who exhibit areas of high FA on DTI.

"These results could lead to better treatment for concussion if we can find ways to enhance the brain's compensatory mechanisms." Dr. Lipton said.

Dr. Lipton's Einstein and Montefiore coauthors are Sara B. Rosenbaum, B.A., Namhee Kim, Ph.D., Ph.D., Craig A. Branch, Ph.D., Richard B. Lipton, M.D., and Molly E. Zimmerman, Ph.D.


Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. In 2012, Einstein received over $160 million in awards from the NIH for major research centers at Einstein in diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and AIDS, as well as other areas. Through its affiliation with Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, and six other hospital systems, the College of Medicine runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @EinsteinMed.

Montefiore Medical Center

As the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore is a premier academic medical center nationally renowned for its clinical excellence, scientific discovery and commitment to its community. Montefiore is consistently recognized among the top hospitals nationally by U.S. News & World Report, and excels at educating tomorrow's healthcare professionals in superior clinical and humanistic care. Linked by advanced technology, Montefiore is a comprehensive and integrated health system that derives its inspiration for excellence from its patients and community. For more information, please visit and and follow us on Twitter @MontefioreNews.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

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Black Friday: Think it's crazy in the US? You should see China's version.

China doesn't officially celebrate Black Friday, but Nov. 11 has become the biggest shopping day on the Chinese calendar. E-commerce sales alone reached $4.6 billion this year.?

By Peter Ford,?Staff Writer / November 23, 2012

Chinese workers sort packages on November 12, the day after the largest Chinese online shopping day.

China Daily


If you think America goes shopping mad on the day after Thanksgiving, you should look at China.

Skip to next paragraph Peter Ford

Beijing Bureau Chief

Peter Ford is The Christian Science Monitor?s Beijing Bureau Chief. He covers news and features throughout China and also makes reporting trips to Japan and the Korean peninsula.

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They don?t celebrate Thanksgiving Day here, of course, but Nov. 11, has become the biggest shopping day on the Chinese calendar.

That?s because it is known as ?Singles Day? (11.11 ? geddit?) ? a type of Valentine?s Day for those without lovers, but with friends to whom they give gifts.

Online stores have cashed in on the idea, offering mouthwatering discounts on everything from cars to clothes to tempt consumers online on Singles Day, turning it into a retail bonanza? and it works.?

?I hadn?t planned to buy anything but I heard there would be great discounts so I went online to have a look,? says Liu Na, a 20-something book editor. ?I bought a blouse and a bag for myself, at 50 percent off.?

This year, e-commerce sales on Nov. 11 reached $4.6 billion, according to an estimate by the Economic Herald, a specialist daily in Shandong province.

That may not look like much compared with ?Black Friday? spending in the US (which topped $11.4 billion last year), until you take a couple of things into account:?

First, average Chinese salaries are 10 times smaller than average American salaries.

Second, this is just online. A comparable day in America might be ?Cyber Monday,? coming up after the weekend. Last year online US shoppers shelled out $1.25 billion ? little more than a quarter of what their Chinese counterparts spent two weeks ago.

The Chinese government may not be keen on the political corners of the Internet, but it loves the commercial aspect; its current five year plan for the economy foresees a fourfold jump in e-commerce?from 2010 levels to $2.9 trillion by 2015.

China has the world?s largest online population, at 538 million, and has more online shoppers than anywhere else too: On Nov. 11, some 213 million people ? nearly half of all Chinese Internet users ? visited one of Alibaba?s two retail platforms. Alibaba, which runs the two biggest e-commerce sites in China, reported sales of $2.94 billion on Nov.11.

Ten million consumers ? more than the population of Greece ? clicked on an Alibaba site in the first minute of Nov. 11, in the dead of night.

The massive Singles Day sales promotions are expected to boost the number of online shoppers even further. Ms. Liu for example, says she has normally shopped in bricks-and-mortar stores, but her Singles Day experience has converted her.

??Apart from the discounts, it?s a lot more convenient,? she says.


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More ?Baltimore Has New Opportunity For Small Businesses

BALTIMORE (WJZ) ? At a time when many are struggling to stay afloat, the city opens an opportunity for small businesses. Political reporter Pat Warren explains Baltimore expects a new micro loan fund to benefit entire neighborhoods.

In the world of fashion, Jody Davis wears a lot of hats. She joined the mayor and other small business-owners Wednesday morning for the launch of a city micro loan fund, money available to Baltimore-based businesses with annual revenues of under a million dollars.

?The economics makes it really a challenge and this product that they?re coming out with for micro loans would help a person like myself just propel forward,? Davis said.

And as small businesses go, so goes the city.

?They create a buzz that attracts people, not just from that community and from the city but a buzz throughout the region and we want to happen in more Baltimore neighborhoods,? said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

The micro loans are between $5,000 and $30,000.

?Growing a business not just helps myself, it helps the economy in general,? said Davis.

Baltimore small businesses get another plug from the mayor this weekend on her Small Business Saturday tour, which follows Black Friday.

Loan applications will be accepted starting December 17.


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Hormone balance is every woman?s right, and there has been a growing interest in bioidentical natural hormone usage. What always goes along with that of course is that there is often a negative response that is not always informed but usually quite vocal!

Source:Sorting Hormone Fact From Fiction

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Plus-size gals are a group that seems to be neglected in the plethora of crochet books on the market. The author, Margaret Hubert, has often been approached at trade shows and through her classes by women in this size category, begging her to design patterns that would fit them. A plus-size crocheter cannot simply take a smaller pattern and increase the number of stitches or rows to get a garment that fits and flatters. There are lots of proportion considerations when designing patterns for larger sizes.

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"That date, the one you?ve been looking forward to since he asked for your number, the date, is in less than a week. You?ve tried the Cabbage Soup diet and now you feel like a round-cheeked Cabbage Patch doll, not the slim, sexy goddess you were hoping for. South Beach left you high and dry. Atkin?s was a cholesterol-filled disaster, and all Weight Watchers watched were the same pounds you trimmed off bouncing right back on the rebound.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend rundown: Most impressive ? The Full Moxie:: Celebrity ...

President Barack Obama jokingly mimics U.S. Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney?s ?not impressed? look while greeting members of the 2012 U.S. Olympic gymnastics teams in the Oval Office, Nov. 15, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Strike a pose. This photo is maybe the most impressive thing to come out of the weekend. [TIME]

Scandal. Not sure what happened with the whole Patraeus thing? ?Here?s a pretty solid rundown to fill you in. [The Daily Beast]

Be grateful.?It can improve your health. [L.A. Times]

Exposed. One upside to Hurricane Sandy: the uncovering of a 90-year-old shipwreck on Fire Island. [TIME]

SNL gets a governor. Gov. Chris Christie appeared as aCommentator on SNL?s Weekend News. [Buzzfeed]

Bump and grind. The American Music Awards Show was held last night in the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. Big winner: Mr. Bieber. [CBS News]

Photo: / via:

This is not bacon. This is a scarf. [Buzzfeed]

BLOWOUT. Huge important news: Selena and Justin had a huge blowout fight. [Huffington Post]

Welcome. Some 50+ years after advertising slowly began destroying women?s collective sense of self, men have been welcomed to the fray. Enjoy the self loathing, em effers. [NYT]

Made in the U.S.A. Want to jumpstart the economy? Buy American this holiday season. [L.A. Times]


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Type A workers may not take easily to retirement

17 hrs.

So you?re a Type A personality: hard-charging, status-driven and impatient. How do you think that?ll work out for you in retirement?

Quite possibly not so great, according to Donald Asher, a Gerlach, Nev., career consultant who has been studying Type A retirees. ?Type A?s don?t stop being Type A?s in retirement,? Asher says.

Asher, who speaks on this subject around the country, told me that a Type A personality isn?t very well suited to the retirement life.

?You can only play so much golf?
?One Type A guy I met on a golf course said to me: ?When I was about to retire, I was looking forward to playing a lot of golf. But now that I?m retired, I found you can only play so much golf,?? Asher says.

Before they retire, Type A?s are often leaders at work, barking orders and getting things done when they want, the way they want. (Cardiologist Meyer Friedman, who coined the term ?Type A personality,? said the behavior is expressed partly through ?free-floating hostility,? but let?s not even go there.)

To paraphrase the famous New Yorker cartoon about the dog using the Internet, in retirement nobody knows you were a chief executive or a heart surgeon. Out of uniform, a Type A retiree looks just like all the other retirees and is typically viewed no differently by the people he or she encounters. You don?t get special treatment (senior discounts aside). You?re not surrounded by toadies who genuflect based on your title, because you no longer have a title. And that can come as a shock.

What?s more, life is unstructured when you?re a retiree. You don?t have meetings lined up for you at specified times; it?s up to you to plot your day, your week, your month ? your life.? It can be exasperating for a Type A.

Rob Pascale found all this out when he retired at 51 from his job running a market research firm in Charlotte, N.C. The lead author of The Retirement Maze, a terrific book I wrote about on Next Avenue, Pascale told me that he turned glum just a few months after retiring. ?I had lower self-esteem than when I was working,? he says. ?I also had a lack of structure and purpose in my life.?

Retired for five months
The New York Times recently wrote about the similar experience of Alan Siegel, 74, who had been chairman of the brand-and-corporate-identity consultant Siegel & Gale in New York City. A Type A if ever there was one, Siegel retired last May, and about five months later decided he couldn?t hack it. He just launched Siegelvision, a firm that?s competing with the one he had founded and left.

When asked why retirement didn?t take, Siegel said: ?I can?t do it. I love the interaction with different kinds of people. I like to shake things up, make a difference.?

The adjustment isn?t tough only for Type A?s. Life can become brutal for their spouses, who wind up getting ordered around, if only due to proximity.

?One woman told me that her husband started demanding she fold the towels differently,? Asher says. ?She said to him, ?You never cared about the way I folded towels for 50 years. This isn?t going to work.??

Retirement advice for Type A?s
So what should a Type A do when retirement beckons?

Start by building up a new social network of other retirees, Asher suggests. ?Social interaction is often the biggest thing that?s missing in the lives of Type A?s. The four walls of a home aren?t enough,? he says. ?A social network lets you scratch that itch.?

Next, find a new form of prestige to replace the status your job provided. ?Maybe it?s following the Rolling Stones around the world or driving a $365,000 RV,? Asher says.

If you?re considering an encore career to help others, look for the type of position that plays to your personality. That generally means a paid or volunteer job as a supervisor with authority.

Finally, Asher says ? and this may sound a little strange ? come up with something that will add pressure and stress to your life. ?That?s not compatible with the traditional idea of retirement,? he notes. ?I had a buddy who is doing the Ironman Triathlon at 60. He?s creating his own pressure.?

For a Type A, pressure and stress just seem to make life worth living.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012


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16. Golf: Stenson takes lead in SA Open second round

EKURHULENI, South Africa: It was a Swedish affair at the SA Open at the 72-par Serengeti Golf and Wildlife Estate on Friday with Henrik Stenson leading as lightning interrupted play early.

His countryman Magnus A Carlsson finished second with an unconfirmed nine-under-par 135 and is tied with Thursday's leader Merrick Bremner from South Africa, currently nine under par having played 32 holes.

Former world number four Stenson was pleased after sinking three consecutive birdies from holes 15 to 17, having teed off on the 10th. "I made a little bit of a trembling start. I made five pars - nothing great the first couple of holes," he said.

"That kind of jump started my day, those three birdies," he added.

Still recovering from jet lag after his airplane only arrived in South Africa on Tuesday, he nevertheless birdied two more on the first and third to have five-under par after 12 holes.

"I went to bed at midnight last night, and woke up at 1:40 am (2340 GMT), so I guess the body thought it was a bit of an afternoon kip," he laughed.

"I slept another couple of hours, so I don't know what time of day it is, really."

The Swede has used drivers effectively, a new tactic in his play this year.

"I've hit some really good tee balls, and on this course, if you can fly it 280 or 290 metres, then you can take a lot of bunkers out of play and end up going in with a gap wedge instead of a seven-iron.

It's a huge advantage - there are probably seven or eight holes where it makes a difference."

Charl Schwartzel, 2011 Masters Champion, meanwhile still contends for the lead at the Jack Niklaus signature course in Ekurhuleni east from Johannesburg.

The South African was six under par after playing 32 holes when heavy thunderstorms typical of the plateau rolled in.

The area lies around 1,750 metres (5,740) feet above sea level.

Norway's Espen Kofstad was also on his heels, with five under par after 33 holes, and German Martin Kaymer, currently fifth in the Race to Dubai, four under par after 32 holes.

Play was suspended and will resume on Saturday 07:30 local time (0930 GMT), while the third round will tee off on two tees at 10:30 (0830 GMT). - AFP


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Why Stay In The Budget Central London Hotels?

London, the famous tourist attraction of the United Kingdom is visited by a huge influx of tourists from all across the globe. For these tourists, the city is a place of admiring its Royal beauty through its numerous tourist attractions. Furthermore, to welcome the millions of travellers coming to the city, there are plenty of hotels all around the city among which the Central London hotels are much preferred by the tourist to stay in. Read further to know why travellers prefer staying in the Central London hotels?

Planning for a trip to an exciting place in Europe? Then what else are you thinking rather than planning a trip to London? Known for its amazing Royal beauty, the city is located on the banks of the River Thames. It is the capital of England and the United Kingdom too. Along with its recognition for being the largest metropolitan area of the U. K., the city is also known for being the most densely populated municipality in the EU with a population of more than eight million people. Further being home to millions of people belonging to different cultures and religions, the city is referred as one of the most diverse multicultural metropolitan cities of the world. For tourists coming to visit, London is one of the most amazing places to admire.

Spread over a huge land area of 1,570 km2, the city of London is dotted with an ample number of attractions to visit and have a lifetime experience to cherish forever. Historical buildings, beautiful gardens, age old museums, amazing shopping areas, exciting night clubs and other attractions are the elemental factors of the city that attract a large number of tourists every year from different parts of the world. Further, the attractions of London include Westminster Palace, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Madame Tussauds, Big Ben, Tate Modern, St. Pauls Cathedral, British Museum, the National Gallery, the Science Museum, Tower of London, Victoria Albert Museum and other attractions as well. For the tourists visiting all these attractions in London is also the best way of admiring the amazing amalgamation of the modern architectural buildings with the ancient Roman ones.

Though these attractions of the city are referred to must visits in London, but this is not all that the city offers to its visitors. Dotted with numerous shopping areas, London turns out to be a paradise for shopping lovers to buy the famous made in U.K products Some of these places across London are Carnaby Street, Regent Street, Oxford Street, Jermyn Street, Notting Hill, Westfield London Kensington High Street, Mayfair, Bond Street and many others. Moreover, if you want to be a part of the throbbing and exciting night life of the city at least once then make sure you visit the famous bars, pubs and discotheques of the city. The Underworld, Ministry of Sound, Fabric, The Box, EQ Cocktail Bar, club Medussa and other such pubs and discotheques are located at different parts of the city to visit.

So to experience all these exciting places, a visit to London becomes a must for everyone of us living in any part of the world. Whether you are a budget traveller or an affluent class traveller, London welcomes every one. However if you are a budget traveller and worried regarding your stay in this expensive city, then please don't as the city is also replete with numerous budget hotels as well. Among the various budget hotels in London, the ones in Central London are the most preferred option of the travellers in the city. Being within easy access to various attractions and other locations of the city, this location has become the most preferred area to stay in. If you are also looking for Central London hotels to ensure your comfortable stay, then book them well in advance after searching for them on the internet. So start your search for the best budget Central London hotel.

The author of this article is associated with the Tudor Inn Hotel Victoria that is one of the renowned Central London Hotels, known for offering qualitative accommodation services at surprisingly affordable prices.


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Bulgarians rally, demand government resignation

SOFIA (Reuters) - In one of Bulgaria's biggest anti-austerity rallies for years, thousands of people protested on Saturday against the government's handling of the weak economy and called on the cabinet to resign.

Supporters of the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) filled the Alexander Nevsky square in front of Sofia's central Orthodox cathedral and called on the ruling GERB party to go.

"Our goal is to revive Bulgaria because the GERB's rule threw the country back decades," said BSP's leader Sergei Stanishev.

More than three years into its rule, the center-right government's popularity is at new lows due to budget cuts that have hurt domestic consumption and growth.

"We are here to express unhappiness with tough austerity measures and corruption," said Elena Todorova, a 54-year-old chemist. "The government should go, it's obvious that they cannot fix the country's problems."

Failure to boost living standards in the European Union's poorest member state have hit support for the GERB party, which faces elections next June.

In September people who disapproved of the government outnumbered its supporters for the first time since the cabinet took office in July 2009, a poll by Alpha Research showed.

While membership in the European Union has brought prosperity to many, it has also made it easier to emigrate, drawing young people out of the country, especially rural areas, and leaving behind an ever older and poorer population.

"We have to convince young people that they can build their future here, in Bulgaria," said Stanishev, who is also chairman of the Party of European Socialists.

With an average monthly wage of $460 and an average monthly pension of $176, Bulgaria is one of the countries worst affected by Europe's economic problems. The country's population dropped from 8.98 million in 1988 to 7.32 million in 2011.

(Reporting by Angel Krasimirov; Editing by Stephen Powell)


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Search for oil rig workers continues

VENICE, La. (AP) - The Coast Guard is searching for two workers who are missing after a fire on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

Four other workers were critically injured with burns over much of their bodies.

The fire, which broke out Friday as workers were using a torch to cut an oil line, was quickly extinguished.

A sheen of oil about a half-mile long and 200 yards wide was reported on the Gulf surface, but officials believe it came from residual oil on the platform and can be contained.

Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Bobby Nash said late Friday that monitoring continues to show no oil is coming from the well.

The rig, a production platform owned by Black Elk Energy, is about 25 miles southeast of Grand Isle, La.


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