Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Essay: Computers Class Test For 7th Grade (Information Technology)

Maximum marks: 100

Attempt all questions

  1. Fill in the blanks: (20)

a)????? Windows 98 is the _______ release from Microsoft.

b)???? Windows 98 contains a lot of ________ features and ________ features of Windows 95.

c)????? In Windows 98 we can attach more than ___________ monitor and Windows will _________ as the same.

d)???? We can ________ an application by just clicking it ___________.

e)????? Windows 98 supports ____________.

f)?????? Windows 98 __________ utility is _______ than Windows 95.

g)????? Windows 98 has more support for _________.

h)????? Windows 98 has more sophisticated _______ viewer called ___________.

i)??????? In the event of an unrecoverable crush, you can _______ Windows 98 again.

j)?????? In Windows 98 we can ________ the desktop files and documents like _____________.

  1. Discuss programming languages. (20)
  1. What is the purpose of immediate window? (10)
  1. Define editing window. (10)
  1. Discuss relational operators. (20)
  1. Discuss logical operators. (20)


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