Thursday, September 22, 2011

like a hobo [ic]

"...Like a hobo from a broken home, nothing's gonna stop me..."

Somewhere outside New Orleans, the sun was rising over the gnarled trees the group camped out next to. It was swamp-land, so dry ground was difficult to find, one that would stay dry, of course. It was early in the morning, and because they were far from the road, there was no wake-up call of cars whooshing by, the early morning traffic. Mona slept curled into a ball closes to the thick tree, the least sunlight reaching her. The group had attached a wire to the trunk and pulled it tight and tied it to a branch situated parallel to the thick trunk, over that, they had draped sheets over their sleeping area, making a triangle tent that would fit all of them within that space.

It has been a while since some of them felt the comfort of a pillow under their heads, but their lifestyle didn't demand such luxuries, they've gotten used to the hard floor as their bed, and considered the morning music, such as birds chirping and the sun waking them, a luxury all on it's own.

Bitsky was the first to rise, stretching and letting out a well drawn-out yawn, he didn't sit up however, instead, grimaced and tugged the corner of the sheet up over his head, folding his arms across his chest to keep it in place. Being the one on the outside of the make-shift bed, the sun was heading his face almost uncomfortably. It wasn't warm outside, since it was early spring, the temperature in New Orleans only reached up to 70 on most days. His gesture, though, looked as if he was going to back to sleep, what with the sheet over his head now blocking the sunlight.

Mona, all the way in the shade, and against the cool tree-trunk, slept soundly, even if all the rest were to wake up, she'd continue her feline sleep almost throughout the late morning. The only way to wake her up was the physical use of force to sit her up and shake her a couple of times, otherwise, she wouldn't budge.

Today, though, the group planned an early wake-up, so they could get an entire day in of adventure in the city. New Orleans being a real accomodating place for folk like them.


air chick fil a chick fil a holiday inn express colonoscopy colonoscopy open office

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