Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Argentine governor fatally shot in the head

The ruling party governor of Argentina's prime oil-producing province was killed early Sunday of gunshots to the head, and his wife was being questioned by police.

The gun fired as Rio Negro Gov. Carlos Soria and his wife Susana were in their bedroom after spending New Year's Eve at their home in General Roca, authorities said. Emergency personnel found him bleeding in bed and took him alive to the local hospital, where he was declared dead just before 5 a.m., local media reported.

The governor's spokesman, Julian Goinhex, reported the death but gave no further details about what happened to the 62-year-old Soria, who won election by a wide margin in October and was inaugurated on Dec. 10 as part of the nation's ruling Front for Victory, displacing the Radical Party that had long controlled the province.

Soria will be succeeded by his vice-governor, Alberto Weretilneck. In an interview with Radio 10, Weretilneck called the shooting a domestic accident and said Soria and his wife were alone at the time.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45839864/ns/world_news-americas/

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