Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dutch court says Samsung does not infringe Apple patent

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Dutch court ruled on Wednesday that Samsung Electronics does not infringe an Apple Inc patent by using certain multi-touch techniques on some of the Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablet computers.

Samsung and Apple, the world's top two smartphone makers, are locked in patent disputes in 10 countries as they vie to dominate the lucrative mobile market and win over customers with their latest gadgets.

Apple argued in September in the Hague court that Samsung infringed its patent on multi-touch function, which lets users use two fingers at one time on a touch screen.

"With these products Samsung does not infringe the claims that Apple has made," the court said in its ruling.

Apple has taken Samsung and others to court over the "pinch to zoom" function popular on smartphones and tablets.

Apple lost a preliminary injunction on this patent in the Dutch courts last year and also lost its battle in the courts in Britain against HTC Corp, and in Germany against Samsung and Motorola Mobility, which is owned by Google.

The Dutch court acknowledged that its multi-touch patent ruling on Wednesday was similar to those in Britain and Germany.

Samsung said it welcomed the Dutch court's decision, while Apple wasn't immediately available for comment.

The Hague has become an important court room battle ground between companies making mobile phones and tablet computers, as court actions there are considered to be cheap, speedy and efficient.

The Dutch court's ruling comes ahead of a decision in the United States from the International Trade Commission on Friday over claims that Samsung infringed on Apple patents.

(Additional reporting by Gilbert Kreijger; Editing by Mark Potter)


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Quantum Computing Record Set By Recycled Photons

First, bullshit, the people who actively developed working transistor devices -- specifically Bell Labs -- knew damn well that they were useful as a replacement for vacuum tubes. Maybe you're thinking of lasers?

Second, regardless of the initial R&D development effort, the Moore's observation didn't apply until after the transistor left the lab and was in full modern production and so, if it ever is, will it be with quantum computers.

Complaining about the lack of exponential growth now is just ridiculou


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Monster Energy Drink linked to 5 deaths, says FDA

HAGERSTOWN, Md. - The highly caffeinated Monster Energy Drink has been cited in five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack, according to reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating.

The reports claim that people had adverse reactions after they consumed Monster Energy Drink, which comes in 24-ounce cans and contains 240 milligrams of caffeine, or seven times the amount of the caffeine in a 12-ounce cola.

Although the FDA is investigating the allegations, which date back to 2004, the agency said the reports don't necessarily prove that the drinks caused the deaths or injuries.

"As with any reports of a death or injury the agency receives, we take them very seriously and investigate diligently," Shelly Burgess, a FDA spokeswoman, said in a statement.

News of the FDA's investigation follows a filing last week of a wrongful death suit in Riverside, by the parents of a 14-year-old girl who died after drinking two, 24-ounce Monster Energy Drinks in 24 hours. An autopsy concluded that she died of cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity and the medical examiner also found that she had an inherited disorder that can weaken blood vessels. But the child's parents claim Monster failed to warn about the risks of drinking its products.

Monster Beverage Corp., which touts on its web site that the Monster Energy Drink is a "killer energy brew" and "the meanest energy supplement on the planet," puts labels on

cans that state that the drinks are not recommended for children and people who are sensitive to caffeine. The company, based in Corona, did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment on Monday, but said last week that it is "unaware of any fatality anywhere that has been caused by its drinks."

Monster is among a growing group of energy drinks on the market. Energy drinks are a tiny part of the carbonated soft drink market, representing about 3 percent of sales volume, according to a recent report by industry tracker Beverage Digest. But at a time when soda consumption is declining, energy drinks are becoming more popular: Last year, sales volume for energy drinks rose by nearly 17 percent.

Monster has benefited the most from the increase. Last year, Monster had a 35 percent share of the energy-drink market based on volume, while Red Bull had 30 percent and Rockstar had 19 percent, according to Beverage Digest. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are far smaller players in the arena, with about 5 percent each.

Investors have warmed up to the drinks as well. In the past two years, Monster's shares have more than tripled, from about $22 and hit a high of about $79 in June. But on news of the FDA investigation, Monster's shares plunged $7.59, or 14.2 percent, to close at $45.73 in trading on Monday.

The increase in popularity has brought heightened scrutiny. The levels of caffeine in the drinks have raised worries: Although the FDA caps the amount of caffeine in soda to 0.02 percent, there is no such limit for energy drinks.

In August, New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued subpoenas to energy drink makers, including Monster, as part of the state's investigation of the industry. And in September, Senators Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., asked the FDA to take another look at the effect that caffeine and other ingredients in energy drinks have on children and adolescents.


Matthew Perrone reported from Washington.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Rosneft, BP close to huge Russian oil deal

BP confirms it is in talks to take sell its stake in?TNK-BP,?Russia's third largest energy producer in terms of production. The proposed buyer,?Rosneft, has close ties to President Vladimir V. Putin.

By David J. Unger,?Contributor / October 22, 2012

The BP logo is seen at a fuel station of British oil company BP in St. Petersburg, Thursday. State oil firm Rosneft is on the verge of tightening its grip on the Russian oil industry, as it negotiates a cash and shares bid for British oil company BP's 50 percent stake in the country's third-largest oil producer, TNK-BP.

Alexander Demianchuk/Reuters


Russia's state-run oil company is close to purchasing BP's half of TNK-BP, a Moscow-based joint venture that ranks as Russia's third-largest energy producer in terms of production.

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The move, which reportedly would be worth more than $25 billion,?would be a big boost to Rosneft's oil portfolio. If it buys the other half of TNK-BP, as well, it would move ahead of ExxonMobil as the world's largest oil company.?A combined Rosneft-TNK-BP would be producing well over 4 million barrels of oil and gas a day, according to Reuters.

For BP, the deal would include a minority stake in Rosneft, which could help the British company gain more access to Russian energy reserves.?

In a statement Monday, BP acknowledged the negotiations but said no deal had been reached yet.

The partnership between BP and?AAR, a group of Russian billionaire shareholders that make up the other half of TNK-BP, has been marked by friction since its inception. In June, BP said it was selling its share in the venture.

Some reports indicate that BP may receive a 10 to 20 percent share in Rosneft and have a seat or two on Rosneft's board. Rosneft has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The purchase would drastically alter the global energy market with some concerned that price distortion would damage the already volatile sector.

President Putin has actively pursued state control over Russia's oil market after it was privatized in the early 1990s. In 2007 Rosneft acquired Yukos, then Russia's largest oil company, after it was pushed into bankruptcy.?

Russian officials were quick to downplay the effects of the looming acquisition.

?I don?t think that would be a monopolist situation,? Energy Minister Alexander Novak told Russian news agencies Thursday. ?We have rather high competition on the market already.?

So far Russian officials deny they have received any formal notice of Rosneft's intentions, and BP?and AAR?has declined reporters' requests for comment.


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The Skinny on Being a Successful SAHM | Skinny Mom | Tips for ...

I have been fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom for about 3 years now. I will be honest, it?is not always?butterfly & rainbows; several days I say to myself, ?Maybe it would be easier if I just went and got a JOB!? Well, that thought only lasts as long as the current?temper tantrum and then?I?m back to reality. I LOVE staying home with my kids and I could not imagine life any other way.

Over the last 3 years, I have struggled to find a good routine that makes life as a stay-at-home?a little easier. I can say that I have finally figured?out?what it takes to be a Successful Stay-At-Home Mom!

  • Get up before everyone else does! Yes I know, this is a very tough one but it is SO important. Get up before the rest of the family and get your?mind organized and ready to tackle the day.??Get up early enough to compose your?To Do list, exercise, shower/get ready, and anything else you prefer to do before the rest of the house wakes up!
  • Take a shower DAILY/ preferably in the morning! This may sound a little silly, but as moms we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves and actually take 15?minutes to shower each day. Some of you may be thinking, ?What?s the point? I am going to be covered in spit-up or green beans by noon!??Taking a shower first thing in the morning is a great way to get woken up, feeling refreshed?and ready to begin the day! The worst that will happen is you might?have to take another one?at night to wash away the day?s disasters!
  • Exercise daily/?(again) preferably in the morning! Get up and get your daily exercise routine over with. If you are anything like me, the earlier the better.?Being a mom and taking care of kids?is exhausting and by the end of the day the last thing I want to do is workout (I?ve been ?working out? all day right!?!) Plus, working out in the morning gets your metabolism going and actually gives you more energy throughout the day! Check out: 5 Reasons Why Working Out In The Morning Makes Sense When Trying to Lose Weight.
  • Get out of your PJ?s! Yes I know, they are comfortable and you are just going to be at the house so why change clothes, right?!? Wrong! I am not saying you have to get dressed up in skinny jeans and high heels every day, but just get out of your pajamas! Put on a some cute workout?clothes or even a?sassy pair of sweatpants, but I repeat ?GET OUT OF YOUR PJ?S!? Pajamas are associated with bedtime, therefore, the longer you wear them the longer you will have the sleepy feeling.
  • Make money while you stay home with the kids! There are so many companies out there designed for stay-at-home or working moms. I.E. Mary Kay, Avon, Pure Romance, Youngevity, the list goes on.. Find something that interests you and make money while doing it. I chose Youngevity because I am interested in health and wellness and I LOVED their product. I started out just wanting to make enough to pay for our household vitamins and other supplements & before I knew it, I?was making a real income; almost as much as?I made?with my previous full-time job.?Another option to make money, babysit a couple of kids at your house or sell something you enjoy making. Just find something that?interests you and make money off of it!?Your husband will be happy! :)
  • Eat healthy & Take Vitamins! As moms, it is like we are constantly running a marathon! I don?t know about you, but I would not be able to get through the day if i did not eat healthy and take vitamins! I choose to eat 5 small meals a day opposed to 3 large meals, and I take vitamins to ensure that I am getting all 90 essential nutrients my body needs! Check out my previous post Get the Skinny on Vitamins That Work!
  • Get some ?YOU? time while the kids nap! The most popular advice you get when you are pregnant or just had a baby is ?Sleep when the baby?sleeps!? or ??Get as much done as you can while the kids?nap???Yes, I agree with both of these BUT I also think it is a great?opportunity to enjoy some ?YOU? time! Stay-at-home moms often think they need to get EVERYTHING done in the 1-3 hours that the kids are asleep. I suggest: read a book (not brown bear, brown bear) a real ADULT book, take a hot afternoon bath, catch up on your favorite T.V. show, call a friend, go to the bathroom by yourself:), be creative! Whatever you choose to do is up to you, but try not to always use nap time to clean, clean, clean, remember?we need our sanity just as much as we need a clean house (if not more)!
  • Join a Mommy & Me playgroup! I would say that one of the most common complaints I hear from other SAHMs is: lack of adult interaction. By joining a Mommy & Me playgroup, you get adult interaction while the kiddos get to socialize with others their age. Also, it gets you out of the house and involved in things that you may not know about if it weren?t for your involvement with the group. Try out a couple of Mommy & Me groups around your area, and pick the one that you fill the most connection with.
  • Ask for help/ take a break! As moms, we often think we can do it all, we are SUPER MOM! Yes, you may be super mom but even super mom needs a break from time-to-time! Ask hubby to take the kids for a night and go get a little pampering done or meet an old friend for dinner. Grandparents are usually more than happy to watch the kids for a couple of hours, get out for a much needed date night with your husband and?enjoy some adult only time!
  • Look at the bright side of EVERY DAY! This is the most important tip I can offer! ?Not every day is a good day, but there?s something good in every day!?~Author Unknown.?We often focus on what is going wrong in our day, next time focus on what is going right and try to look on the bright side! Kids feed off of adult?s mood/ attitude, if you stay positive chances are they will too!

Being a stay-at-home mom is not always easy, but if you?follow the?tips above you CAN be a ?Successful Stay-At-Home Mom!? Please share some of your experiences or tips on being a stay-at-home mom!



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What Kinds Of Services Could You Acquire With An All-In-One ...

At the present time, it?s very important for firms to produce an web-bases business which can be easily seen by the current tech savvy consumers. Making it possible for clients to not only view items online but also buy them straight on the internet will likely help increase profits for businesses mainly because simple and easy shopping most likely will gain more customers. There are many ways to streamline the ordering operation for Internet-based consumers, and one of them is by introducing an online shopping cart into web pages. However, various online businesses give a lot more than just shopping cart incorporation to e-commerce sites; all-in-one shopping cart software can help speed up other business tasks as well as improve marketing processes too.

So what services can you have in these all-inclusive packages? Naturally, the first thing that intenet shopping cart items will perform is allow e-commerce site owners integrate a shopping cart into their internet shops. These online shopping carts will be able to hold products that shoppers have selected to purchase using a basic point-and-click method. Employing an online shopping cart is a lot more advantageous than other approaches of buying items on the Internet for the reason that it minimizes time and work spent on shopping. In comparison, filling out a form and manually indicating items to be ordered can be very tiresome for buyers, which can eventually make them give up on the purchase. Purchasing by telephone, additionally, is time-consuming and at risk of mistakes in correspondence which may trigger errors in the shopping operation. Online shopping carts are a smart option since they make it easy for patrons to keep track of their expenditures just before checkout. Likewise, these techniques assist business owners to keep track of customers? orders without having to actively track each of them.

In addition to the formation of online baskets, all-in-one shopping strategies as well help automate answers to queries from customers. In advertising, this is a really important practice; regular follow-up and fast responses can spell the difference between an unhappy person as well as a loyal convert. Auto-responders can also send scheduled e-mail messages to past buyers to keep them in the loop ? a marketing process that can generate future dealings with store patrons.

An additional solution that goes with shopping cart systems is automated Internet marketing. Internet marketing applications from all-in-one e-commerce software could assist online business owners in finding lots more history about their customers using split testing, sales analytics and advertising reports. Information from these can help owners adjust their promotional methods to have the most leads.

With a system for ensuring shopping ease and comfort, delivering quick replies to clients, and constantly evaluating market leads, all-inclusive shopping cart systems provide a fast and very easy way for online stores to cater to the growing demands of today?s buyers. ? website which provide a range of all-in-one e-commerce products for online business owners.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama chides the GOP: Help homeowners


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White House prepared to meet one-on-one with Iran, but no agreement yet


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Poland's narrowest building opens


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Financial lobby out in force at party conferences: TBIJ


Parliament: the last place in Britain to find a lobbyist. ?At least when Party conferences are on.
(Image: Shutterstock)

Ed Miliband may have promised to get tough with Britain?s banking industry in his conference speech, but Private Eye reveals it was business as usual on the conference circuit for UK?s almighty financial services lobby.

In July, the Bureau revealed that the British financial services industry spent?over ?92m in 2011 lobbying politicians and regulators. Today it?s clear that the City?s lobby is as vigorous as ever, at least judging by the Eye?s report on its presence at this year?s Labour and Conservative Party conferences.

Related story ? Revealed: The ?93m City lobby machine

Sponsoring conference fringe events is a time-honoured way for lobbyists to gain a toehold in the conference debate: they book high-profile political speakers to draw in the crowds, and then share the platform to air their chosen cause in front of an audience of delegates.

In this way, Private Eye notes the City of London paid Peter Mandelson?s Policy Network to arrange a meeting with shadow Europe minister Emma Reynolds to discuss the eurozone crisis.?The session also offered Mark Boleat ? identified by the Bureau as?Britain?s most powerful financial lobbyist???a chance to warn the audience against regulation that might interfere with the City?s role as a?financial centre.

Related story ? Britain?s 10 most powerful finance lobbyists

Elsewhere at the Labour conference, business-led lobby group TheCityUK paid the Smith Institute to hold a meeting with the shadow Treasury secretary Cathy Jamieson.?The event also offered a platform for TheCityUK?s Chris Cummings to reassure delegates that they could be ?proud? of the financial sector.?TheCityUK is the financial sector?s pre-eminent lobbying group, promising?its members access to senior domestic and international influencers and decision makers ? the Bureau revealed?thus July how it scored a string of lobbying wins for its members.?HSBC also funded a Fabian Society event with shadow Treasury minister Rachel Reeves which featured a prime spot for the bank?s head of ?wealth management?, Brendan Cook.

Perhaps less surprisingly, the City lobby was also out in force at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham. Jersey Finance, which lobbies for the tax haven?s banking sector, paid for an Adam Smith Institute meeting with Kwasi Kwarteng. This event featured a star turn from Jersey Finance CEO Geoff Cook, who the Eye reports was met with ?loud applause? for commenting that British banks are over-regulated and over-taxed.

The financial industry?s lobbying effort spans a range of forums, from?meeting politicians in the House of Commons cafeteria?to creating networking groups that bring together likeminded individuals in Westminster and the City. And the Bureau?s investigation into the City lobby revealed that such access has helped secured a string of policy victories, including the slashing of UK corporation tax and taxes on banks? overseas branches. The reform will save the finance industry billions.

Related story ? How to get into the Houses of Parliament through the back door

Government efforts to clamp down on the more flagrant City lobbying were dealt a severe blow in July after a powerful committee of MPs concluded the plan to introduce a statutory lobbying register was?too limited and should be scrapped.

And with no sign of more detailed proposals,?plans to increase transparency in lobby group operations have been quietly relegated to the back burner.

The City lobby?s confident performance at the Labour and Conservative party conferences suggests its representatives wield increasing influence, despite the party leaders? calls to reform the banks that the lobbyists represent.

But spare a thought for the Lib Dems, however, whose conference was all but bereft of City lobbyists and their sponsorship. Their fringe events took a more ethical bent, with sponsors including Oxfam and New Statesman.

Private Eye is available on all the best?newsstands.?

Sign up for email alerts from the Bureau here.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Free to play changes for Star Wars: The Old Republic | Video Game ...

Published: 20 October 2012 8:16 AM UTC

Posted in: News, Online, Online News, PC, PC Games, PC News

Tags: bioware, cartel coins, changes, Content, free to play, mmorpg, PC, star wars, subscription, the old republic

Ever since announcing the Free to play option for its Star Wars themed MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bioware has been hard at work to define the details of the restriction players without subscription will have to endure and the changes for all players
As previously announced, the free to play option will offer access to all eight character classes up to level 50 with a few restrictions and all new higher-level game content and new features will be made available by purchasing them individually or through a subscription option.
Today Bioware has released more details on the free to play option: players won?t be able to play more than 3 mission, Warzone and Flashpoint per week.
Players without a subscription will also be limited in the number of times they can quick travel between the game locations, in the number of times characters can be revived, in inventory and ship hulls? space. Players will also face more waiting time for logging into the game.
?Cartel Coins?, an ingame currency which will be used for all in game microtransactions was also introduced.

The Free to play option will be introduced this November. Old players will be rewarded with Premium contents and an amount of Cartel Coins proportional to the number of months they played since?last year.

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  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic Now EA?s Most Expensive Project Ever
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NASA satelite imaging has revealed that a massive crack in Antartica's Pine Island glacier is growing fast. Which is bad. But the GIF it's made is so good it almost makes up for it. More »


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Friday, October 19, 2012

The actual History Of Online marketing ? Nuve SEO Website

Placing your business on line is the latest way for anyone to develop into productive. For the first time ever online sales and profits over took those of the high street with entire sales worth 31.5 Billion. Therefore if a person are not striving to take advantages of this then you are missing out on the chance of growth. By using the online community you can easily join to over 2.3 billion people that are all wanting to buy your products and solutions if you have what exactly they would like.

The following is exactly what online business is all about. It is the purchasing and promoting of products over the internet. The world?s first web based shop was developed in 1979 by Michael Aldrich as well as then 2 years later Thomson Holidays UK becomes the first Business-to-Business (B2B) online shopping company. These kind of were the beginning of internet commerce and consumers began exchanging over various systems as the online had not been invented yet.

Over the next couple years corporations began utilising networks to their advantage and in 1990 the online was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee. It then required 2 years for the primary graphical, completely iconic navigated on-line shop which was created by Terry Brownlee. As years went by much more on-line shops established and unique browsers made which open distinct possibilities to people. In 1994 Pizza Hut started out offering on line ordering for its meals and journal businesses began providing online subscribers which grew to be a huge success.

In 1998 PayPal was started and from then protected purchases on line become even more protected. The following is still utilized today and is the largest payment transaction site in the entire world. Electric postage stamps became available during this season as well and with these you might just merely print them off and use them. After that in 1999 media sharing internet site Napster was launched and this was one the most significant enhancements for online media online store.

In 2003 Amazon noted its first annual income and it was an illustration how the web had finally become a origin of profit for organizations. From here various other corporations started to take note that they could become profitable from using the internet. Net sales for that yr topped ?30bn in the USA who were the major users of online purchasing during that moment.

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Update: Foreigner Participation in China's Social Insurance Scheme ...

By Eunice Ku

Oct. 18 ? Since China?s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued measures in September 2011 stating that social insurance contributions should be paid on behalf on foreigners working in China, local policies governing the implementation of the measures have varied considerably.

Cities including Dalian, Shenzhen, Beijing, Suzhou, Tianjin and Xiamen have implemented local implementing rules requiring foreign employees to enroll in the social insurance scheme and contribute to some (if not all) of the insurances, while others have yet to implement policies mandating any participation.

Dalian currently requires only pension payments to be made on behalf of foreign employees, while Shenzhen requires employer payment towards four insurances (with foreign individuals paying only pension and medical insurances) and Beijing, Suzhou, Tianjin, and Xiamen require payment of all five insurances.

As of the end of 2011, 7,800 foreigners have begun participating in Beijing?s various social insurances, and as of mid-August 2012, approximately 7,000 foreigners have begun participating in the social insurance system in Jiangsu Province as a whole, according to media reports.

Not all major cities have implemented policies requiring social insurance participation. Shanghai, for example, permits foreign employees working in the city to voluntarily participate in pension, medical and work-related injury insurances. However, from the time of promulgation of this policy (October 2009) until April 2011, fewer than 100 foreigners have begun participating.

When policies mandating participation may be issued in Shanghai and the other remaining cities remains uncertain.

Portions of this article came from the October 2012 issue of China Briefing Magazine titled, ?Social Insurance and Payroll.? In this issue, we take a ?back to basics? approach to China?s mandatory benefits. Where, exactly, is that extra 35-40 percent on top of an employee?s salary going? What are social insurance contribution rates, base amounts, and tax exemptions? How does all of this figure into the payroll process? We next look at mandatory benefits as a piece of the larger payroll puzzle, with highlights on two very China-specific pieces: FESCOs and hukou, China?s ?domestic passport.?

Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia. Since its establishment in 1992, the firm has grown into one of Asia?s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.

For further details or to contact the firm, please email, visit, or download the company brochure.

You can stay up to date with the latest business and investment trends across China by subscribing to The China Advantage, our complimentary update service featuring news, commentary, guides, and multimedia resources.

Related Reading

An Introduction to Doing Business in China
Asia Briefing, in cooperation with its parent firm Dezan Shira & Associates, has just released this 40-page report introducing everything that a foreign investor should be familiar with when establishing and operating a business in China.

A FESCO as a Tool for Labor Dispatch in China

The Best of Asia Briefing ? August/September 2012

Limiting Tax Exposure for American Expatriates in China

China Releases 2011 Statistics for HR and Social Security Development

Shenzhen Adjusts Housing Fund Base and Work-Related Injury Insurance Rates


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Cutting-Edge Buzzwords ? Speaking the Language of Success ...

A couple of years ago, one of my clients asked me to come up with some advertising concepts for his custom publishing services. I remember telling him his customers wouldn?t know what ?custom publishing? is. Fast forward to last week?s call from the same client telling me the national organization for custom publishing just changed its name to Custom Content Council.

Oh, brother. Maybe the council thinks it has improved on its marketability but, on the customer end of things, my client who now wants to push ?custom content? as a service is in for an even more difficult sell, in my opinion.

New Words for Old Stand-Bys

That got me thinking about how some common terms and expressions have changed over the years. If you are involved in sales in any way, or even if your role simply includes discussions with clients, it is important to be able to interject some of today?s most cutting-edge buzzwords so you sound up-to-date and well-informed. While I often avoid just that strategy, preferring to use intelligent language in an effort to sound articulate and smart rather than resorting to common slang, it can be helpful to bring the discussion down to street level to put someone at ease.

Some of the words or phrases that follow are a result of cultural trends influenced by popular books, games, sports, songs, movies, TV shows and teen jargon. Although some may be considered slang, others may qualify as some of the most sophisticated and surprising language to enter our every-day lexicon. In any case, with use of today?s most current vocabulary, we can intrigue our customers and clients, impressing them with our knowledge, and inviting their curiosity, which may serve to break the ice should a friendly explanation be needed.

Over the past few decades, we?ve moved from ?awesome? to ?epic,? from ?phony? to ?disingenuous.? We no longer ?analyze,? we ?weigh in.? Instead of ?advancing? or ?improving,? we ?take it to the next level.? ?No problem? has become ?no worries? and ?stepping out? or looking for some fun (legitimate or otherwise), has evolved to the more responsible and honorable act of ?stepping up? with origins from the game of baseball, as in stepping up to the plate. ?Right on? (meaning right on target) has been replaced by ?spot on? with roots to the game of billiards.

If something we do is worthless, in today?s language that would be described as ?counterproductive.? If something is not what we?d expect that, now, is ?counterintuitive.? It seems more new words will evolve using ?counter,? meaning ?not? or ?opposite to.? ?Counterintuitive? is so new it is not yet found in all dictionaries.

Back to Business

Today, even my most naive clients tell me they appreciate the ?branding? I have done for them ? that word is now used everywhere. In previous decades, we in the industry used to refer to that as business image, image management or corporate identity, among other similar variations. Had I used those terms back then, my clients would not have known what I was talking about.

Actually, I am happy they can grasp the concept of branding because it is key to marketing success and encompasses every aspect of one?s business outreach. It certainly makes my job easier ? not needing to sell them on the necessity of addressing all aspects of business communication when new information should be offered to their market. Of course, convincing them to spend on the full effort is another hurdle altogether.

Another word that is thrown around in every article I read, every commercial I hear, and every discussion I encounter, is the word ?engagement.? Our social media must be ?engaging.? We must ?engage? our viewers when they visit our website. And we must measure that ?engagement? when assessing our success. I ask, how is this different from measuring ?response?? For years, we focused on getting the coveted response, whether from direct mail, advertising or a trade show appearance, for example. Today, our ubiquitous online presence demands engagement, if not marriage. But that, in today?s lingo, would be ?conversion.? Engagement, like response, is the promise of something good to come, while conversion is the climax of our efforts: the sale.

Another marketing concept that has undergone a mind-blowing evolution, is that of message delivery. But we don?t call it our message anymore. We call it our ? ahem ??content.? How often do we hear, ?Content is king?? And, unlike the old days, (all of five years ago), we don?t think about sending out direct mail to a few thousand recipients, which is so last week. Instead, we must think of ?going viral,? posting our content on every social media platform and blog, distributing that same content via e-mail newsletter and online article and featuring it prominently on our websites. We, of course, adjust our SEO, tags and keywords accordingly, to strive for the top of the search returns in the hopes of achieving our 15 minutes of fame.

Promises, Promises!

Our content now has the potential to reach a market far greater than anything we could ever have imagined in the past, at a cost embarrassing in its insignificance and staggering in its affordability. While this is possible, more often than not, the opportunity can pass us by without much of an effect. The language may have changed, but the outcome, for the most part, unfortunately has not. Marketing can be cruel.

I was reminded of this last week while glancing through the grocery flyers. There was a huge picture of blueberries with an attractive price. My husband quickly pointed out that it was only for four ounces.

Feeling sheepish that I had been momentarily tricked by the store?s ploy, drooling over the now pricey, out-of-season delicacies, I realized marketing has a way of luring you to spend on something for which you cannot or should not be splurging, manipulating buyer behavior with textual and graphic tricks of the trade. As we often see in the credits which follow movies involving questionable animal treatment, the grocery circular (and probably every marketing communication) should include a similar disclaimer: ?No humans were meant to be subjected to torture as a result of the publication of this flyer.?


Are you aware that the many millions of results we receive as the outcome of our online searches are referred to as ?organic,? as differentiated from paid results, which are advertising? While this description seemed a bit ?counterintuitive? to me, I guess if you consider the search engine as the organ, its results are a fundamental part of that parental organ, hence ?organic.? And, along those same lines, if we want to produce revenue from our e-commerce listings, websites or blogs, in today?s online lingo, that is referred to as ?monetizing,? or ?making money from? the Internet.

Modern Torture

Sometimes our need for success means obtaining completion within an every-day interaction. For instance, what is it called when we telephone our bank or credit card company and are fed through a series of robo-prompts? While I am fumbling for the information I need to press or say my 395-digit account number, I find I can?t get a word in edgewise because the loquacious computer won?t come up for air. In a total abandonment of any semblance of etiquette, I am forced to rudely interrupt this monologue, blurting out responses to try to interject my answers.

In recent years, unlike the days when my mother spent her time policing my every early utterance for inaccuracies of any kind, we no longer ?talk to? or ?speak to? our listeners. Today, we ?talk with? one another because for some reason, we?re not as selfish as we used to be. If it is considered a conversation, by definition it should have more than one participant, unless of course we make it a habit of talking to ourselves.

In this instance with the computer, however, I doubt such an experience can be described as ?speaking with,? ?conversing,? or least of all, ?discussing.? Instead, I think I?d have to say that rather than ?talking with? or even ?talking to,? I am actually ?yelling at? the computer. Whatever it is I am doing, I am getting awfully hot doing it, as if my normally low blood pressure has risen to a boiling point in total exasperation. After all, the reason for my call has to do with some problem with my money, certainly not something I am at ease about and the need to be stuck in telephone discourse with a computer does nothing to keep me cool. I tell myself to calm down. After all,
I can always press star to return to the previous menu of options. Or in the worst-case scenario, I can always hang up and start all over again. (Now, there?s a comforting thought!)

I find if I just resort to repeating the word ?representative? to every question, whether it makes sense or not, I am finally routed to a real human being. Actually, if I just repeated the words ?dog food,? I?d probably get the same result since the computer tells me it doesn?t understand my reply and will need to route me to a representative.

How Do You Spell Relief?

Now, with a human being at my service, I find I am dealing with someone with the cultural mannerisms and lingual affectations more indicative of outer Mongolia or perhaps Pluto. Not that I am discriminating. Far be it from me, an ethnically-challenged, nonsectarian, apolitical, robotic, American female workaholic to feel superior in any way to another living or non-living being. I?m just looking for a little common ground, camaraderie, perhaps even empathy if at all possible ? something to which I know the computer cannot relate. (Actually, the computer and I may have more in common than I care to admit!)

Today, every business has a story to tell thanks to our new world of social media where we?ve moved beyond ?schmoozing? and ?mingling.? In fact, we no longer ?tell all,? ?let the cat out of the bag,? ?spill the beans,? ?bare our souls? or ?open our hearts.? What we do is we ?share,? representing a new magnanimous nobility we have bestowed upon ourselves as a culture. Yes, in a cosmic shift on our overall human condition, we now think of ourselves as chivalrous and altruistic, a new ingenuous, dewy-eyed society founded on generosity and benevolence, offering our every inner secret from the depths of our being.

While this concept of sharing is more reminiscent of my early years teaching toddlers the social skills necessary for success in daycare, in a sales situation, I fully appreciate the difference between saying to a potential customer: ?Let me tell you something? as opposed to saying ?Let me share this with you.? The former puts the customer on the defensive ? he is expecting to be ?told a thing or two,? while the latter makes him feel privileged and special. It is little nuances like these that can mean the difference between failing to connect and breaking a leg, so to speak. It?s all in how we communicate.

Marilyn Bontempo, president of Mid-Hudson Marketing, based in Holmes, New York, has been developing strategies for business success for more than 36 years. A professional writer and graduate of Bard College, she has won numerous awards for excellence in marketing, photography, graphics, writing and web design. As a specialist in branding, she assists many of her clients with management of their social media and public relations initiatives. In addition, she handles e-commerce for a number of online merchants not only on their own websites but also through eBay, Amazon and others. View her work at

Connect with Marilyn Bontempo on Google+.

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FTC Settlements Require Equifax to Forfeit Money Made by ...

FTC Settlements Require Equifax to Forfeit Money Made by Allegedly Improperly Selling Information about Millions of Consumers Who Were Late on Their Mortgages

Posted by 4closureFraud on October 19, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

FTC Settlements Require Equifax to Forfeit Money Made by Allegedly Improperly Selling Information about Millions of Consumers Who Were Late on Their Mortgages

In Separate Actions, Equifax and Its Customers Will Pay a Total of $1.6 Million

One of the largest U.S. consumer reporting agencies, Equifax Information Services LLC, has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it improperly sold lists of consumers who were late on their mortgage payments. In two separate actions, both Equifax and the companies that allegedly bought and resold the information from it will pay a total of nearly $1.6 million to resolve charges that they violated the FTC Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

The two settlements are part of the FTC?s ongoing efforts to protect consumers in financial distress and to protect consumer privacy. Equifax will pay $393,000 to resolve allegations that its inadequate procedures led to the sale of lists of consumer information to firms that should not have received them. According to the FTC, Equifax sold more than 17,000 prescreened lists of consumers to companies including Direct Lending Source, Inc., which subsequently resold some lists to third parties, who used their data to pitch loan modification and debt relief services to people in financial distress.

As part of a separate settlement, Direct Lending Source will pay a $1.2 million civil penalty,and will be barred from using or selling prescreened lists without a permissible purpose, or in connection with solicitations for debt relief or mortgage assistance relief products or services.

The FTC?s Complaints

The FTC alleged that between January 2008 and early 2010, Equifax sold Direct Lending and its affiliates lists of people who met selected criteria ? known as prescreened lists. According to the agency?s complaint, the lists contained information about millions of consumers, including sensitive information such as credit scores and whether they were 30, 60, or 90 days late on their mortgage payments.

According to the FTC, neither Direct Lending nor its affiliates, Bailey & Associates Advertising, Inc. and Virtual Lending Source, LLC, had a legally permissible purpose to obtain the prescreened lists. Under the FCRA, the only permissible purpose for obtaining a prescreened list is to make ?firm offers of credit or insurance? ? which are offers that will be honored if consumers meet pre-selected criteria. Using a prescreened list for general marketing purposes is not allowed. The FTC charged that Direct Lending sold the information to third parties that then used it to market products to consumers in financial distress, including companies that have been the subject of law enforcement investigations.

The FTC alleged that, in addition to providing the lists to entities without a permissible purpose and having inadequate procedures to prevent this from happening, Equifax failed to properly investigate when it learned Direct Lending was violating Equifax?s internal policies on prescreening. The FTC also alleged that Equifax knew or should have known that in many cases Direct Lending resold the lists without telling Equifax who would end up using the information. Despite these failures, the FTC alleged Equifax continued selling prescreened lists to Direct Lending. The FTC alleged that Equifax?s failure to employ appropriate measures to control access to sensitive consumer information was unfair, in violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act.

Direct Lending and its affiliates and principals allegedly violated the FTC Act and the FCRA by: 1) obtaining prescreened lists without having a permissible purpose; 2) reselling the reports without disclosing to the consumer reporting agency that provided them who the end users would be; 3) failing to maintain reasonable procedures to ensure that prospective users had a permissible purpose to get them; 4) to the extent that firm offers of credit were made, failing to maintain a record of the criteria used to select consumers for these offers; and 5) failing to employ appropriate measures to control access to sensitive consumer financial information.

The Proposed Equifax Settlement

In addition to requiring the payment of $393,000, the proposed settlement with Equifax prohibits the company from:

  • furnishing prescreened lists to anyone that it does not have reason to believe has a permissible purpose to receive them;
  • failing to maintain reasonable procedures to limit the furnishing of prescreened lists to anyone except those who have a permissible purpose to receive them; and
  • selling prescreened lists in connection with offers for debt relief products or services and mortgage assistance relief products and services, when advance fees are charged, with limited exceptions.

The Direct Lending Settlement

The court order settling the FTC?s charges against the Direct Lending defendants imposes a $1.2 million civil penalty and prohibits them from:

  • using or obtaining consumer reports without a permissible purpose;
  • using or selling consumer reports in connection with solicitations for debt relief or mortgage assistance relief products or services offered by entities that charge advance fees;
  • failing to disclose to the consumer reporting agency that originally furnishes the report the identity of the end user of the report, and each permissible purpose for which the report is being provided to an end user; and
  • failing to establish and comply with reasonable procedures designed to ensure that a report is resold only for a purpose for which it has been furnished.

The Commission vote to approve the consent agreement package containing the proposed settlement order with Equifax was 5-0. The FTC will publish a description of the consent agreement package in the Federal Register shortly. The agreement will be subject to public comment for 30 days, until November 9, 2012, after which the Commission will decide whether to make the proposed consent order final.

Interested parties can submit written comments on the proposed Equifax settlement order electronically or in paper form by following the instructions in the ?Invitation To Comment? part of the ?Supplementary Information? section.

Comments can be submitted electronically by clicking here. Comments in paper form should be mailed or delivered to: Federal Trade Commission, Office of the Secretary, Room H-113 (Annex D), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580. The FTC is requesting that any comment filed in paper form near the end of the public comment period be sent by courier or overnight service, if possible, because U.S. postal mail in the Washington area and at the Commission is subject to delay due to heightened security precautions.

The Commission vote to approve the settlement order against the Direct Lending defendants and refer the case to the Department of Justice for filing was 5-0. The complaint was filed by Department of Justice on October 9, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. The settlement will become final when signed by the judge, and is not subject to public comment.

The Direct Lending defendants include Direct Lending Source, Inc.; Bailey & Associates Advertising, Inc.; Virtual Lending Source, LLC; Robert M. Bailey, Jr., individually and as an officer of the corporate defendants; and Linda Giordano, individually and as an officer of the corporate defendants.

Information for Consumers

For information about debt relief, tax relief, and mortgage assistance relief services, see Money Matters: Debt Relief Services, Mortgage Assistance Relief Scams: Another Potential Stress for Homeowners in Distress, and Tax Relief Companies ? More Pain Than Gain?

NOTE: The Commission issues an administrative complaint when it has ?reason to believe? that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. The complaint is not a finding or ruling that the respondent has actually violated the law. A consent agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by the respondent that the law has been violated. When the Commission issues a consent order on a final basis, it carries the force of law with respect to future actions. Each violation of such an order may result in a civil penalty of up to $16,000.

NOTE: The Commission authorizes the filing of a complaint when it has ?reason to believe? that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest. The complaint is not a finding or ruling that the defendant has actually violated the law. This consent judgment is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by the defendant of a law violation. Consent judgments have the force of law when signed by the District Court judge.

The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish, visit the FTC?s online Complaint Assistant or call
1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). The FTC enters complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to more than 2,000 civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. The FTC?s website provides free information on a variety of consumer topics. Like the FTC on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.



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