Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another Tibetan monk sets himself on fire in China (AP)

BEIJING ? A British human rights group says another Tibetan Buddhist monk has set himself on fire in a protest against Chinese rule over the Himalayan region. It is the 10th self immolation this year.

The London-based Free Tibet group said in a statement that the the monk set himself ablaze early Tuesday outside a Tibetan monastery in southwestern Sichuan province's Garzi prefecture.

The group said it was unable to confirm the monk's age or name. It was unsure of his condition and whereabouts.

At least nine Tibetans in their late teens and 20s have self-immolated since March, with five or more of them dying from their injuries. All but one of those occurred in Aba, a town in Sichuan near Tibet that has been the site of a series of protests.


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