Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Legal Services UK - Blog - Will Writing - Inheritance Tax Planning ...

Posted on by Stephen

Will your passwords die with you?

Would your spouse or partner be able to get into your online banking account to transfer money to pay for your funeral?

If you think that?s a problem, then consider your entire online password collection and also those offline like the code to your wall safe. Will your partner?s Facebook and Twitter accounts run after your death because you can?t find a way to have them shut down?

PassMyWill claim to have the perfect answer to this problem and they say there?s no charge for their solution. You simply give them access to all your passwords and they check that you?re alive from time to time. If they confirm you?ve died, they?ll distribute your passwords where necessary.

You might want your digital online presence to remain. If you?re a writer, you?ll want people to visit your website after your death to purchase your books for the benefit of your family or whoever you?ve name in your will.

Do you trust the whole process? At first glance no, but as you delve deeper you?ll find you have to give an ?unlock? code to the people you do trust. They?ll need it to access your online and other passwords after you pass on. Without that unlock code, they won?t be able to access your online presence.

Do you trust the main company, especially as it?s a free service? That?s your choice, but they have to make money somewhere, don?t they and you can?t find out any real information about them until you part with your email address and we all know what happens on occasions then, don?t we?


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