Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Richard III to pick up where he left off

'Also, I have no organs and am invincible'

?Also, I have no organs and am invincible?

The exhumed king said he was delighted to be back before pledging ?a torrent of Lancastrian blood that will turn the mill-wheels of Preston?.

He added: ?I want to check out the Leicester restaurant scene, catch up on some paperwork and then disembowel all those who would deny my claim.

?I have also ordered a horse off the internet.?

The last king of the House of York revealed that having a curved spine and a club foot is a lot easier to cope with when you are just a skeleton.

?The hunchback was mostly fat. Now it?s gone I?m very nimble. But I am still really angry, so I guess it wasn?t all about the hump.

?I?ve read a couple of articles saying that I was actually quite nice and that Shakespeare was unfair.

?He wasn?t. I am fucked up and I am coming to get your children.?

Jane Thomson, from Stevenage, said: ?Excellent. I was hoping this would activate some ancient curse that would wipe out half the country.?

Richard III added: ?My friend Dan Snow tells me you are now ruled by Germans. We shall see about that.?


Source: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/richard-iii-to-pick-up-where-he-left-off-2013020458569

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