Friday, June 29, 2012

The Alternative ? Back Pain therapy | Diet-Fitness-Health-Healthy ...

Introduction ? Vox-pops from the case studies. An expert, Mr Henry Crock, Hon. Senior Lecturer, Orthopaedics Hammersmith Hospital describes the workings of the spine and the problems affecting the back and why resulting pain happens. Case Study 1 ? We hear from a young man who while sleepwalking, falls down and injures his back. Case Study 2 ? Our second case study?s severe back pain started in 1981 when he fell out of a tree! Case Study 4 ? The fourth treatment covered in the programme is the Alexander Technique in water. Case Study 3 ? Our third case study is a woman who at the age of 17 was knocked down by a fire engine, resulting in an artificial leg being fitted.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Low Back Pain - Disc Herniation ,Sciatica - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

A low back pain disc herniation ,sciatica Educational animation video describing disc herniation of the lumbo sacral spine.this video is produced by university of toledo orthopedic surgeon .it explains the anatomy of the spine the structure of the disc and types ,site ,level of disc prolapse bulge herniation L4_L5 AND L5-S1 are the commenst levels causing sciatica and positive SLR OR STRETCH TEST cauda equina injury could involve the bladder and bowel.exclude si or sacro iliac joint pain by examination or injection of the si joint .this video is created by university of toledo orthopedic surgeon
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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