Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nevada Governor an Online Gaming Pioneer |

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval said that Nevada took a big step forward last week when the state?s gambling commission awarded the first two online gaming licenses. Sandoval has been a pioneer in getting Nevada ready for online gambling. Last Thursday the Nevada Gaming Commission awarded online gambling licenses to Bally Technologies and Interna?tional Game Technology. (IGT) In an interview last Friday Sandoval said that since 2002 he and then Gaming Control Board Chairman Dennis Nylander worked on legislation that ?essentially provided a foundation for Nevada to get into Internet gaming.? At the time Sandoval was chairman of the Nevada Gaming Com?mission.

In 2011 as Governor Sandoval proposed legislation that directed Gaming Control to set up regulations for licensing internet gaming in the state. The legislation was completed and resulted in the issuance of the first two online gaming licenses. Sandoval said ?I can?t take all the credit? and added Assembly Judiciary Chairman William Horne guided the bill through committee and the lower house. Sandoval said that the licensing regulations combined with legislation that allows technological examination and certification of new gaming technologies are designed to keep Nevada the ?gold standard? of legal gambling. Sandoval said that the legislation allowing the examination of new gaming technologies was needed because the Gaming Control?s small technology staff was having trouble keeping up with the changes in gaming technology.

The backlog at Gaming Control was allowing new technologies to reach casinos in jurisdictions other than Nevada. Sandoval stated ?I?m determined that Nevada maintain its position as leader of gaming in the world.? Sandoval was asked by reporters about internet hacking and security concerns for internet gambling. Sandoval said the issue has been a top priority for the Gaming Policy Committee and Gaming Control. The Governor said the security programs are so good they can catch players cheating at an online poker table. Sandoval stated ?It will not allow minors access, and will ensure that bets are only taken in certain places.? The governor said that one long term goal is to have online gambling companies set up their servers, research and development departments in Nevada.

What does all this mean to online bingo players? If Nevada is successful other states are sure to follow and allow online gaming including online bingo. Nevada?s regulations could serve as a template for other states that want to implement intrastate online gaming. In addition to generating extra revenues in Nevada the development of the online gaming industry will create many good paying jobs.

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