Thursday, September 6, 2012


On Bill Clinton's night to shine at the Democratic National Convention, his wife couldn't have been farther from the action.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, who fought Barack Obama to the finish for the Democratic nomination in 2008, is in East Timor as part of an 11-day tour of the Asia-Pacific region.

Barack Obama's secretary of state had this to say at a news conference there:

"My husband read parts of his speech to me over the last few days. I received the as-prepared version," she said, holding up a copy of what presumably was the speech, "which I am anxious, when I can, to compare with the as-delivered version. So it is a great honor for him to be nominating the president and I am delighted to be here in Timor Leste on behalf of the United States."

This is the first DNC that Hillary Clinton has missed since 1968. As part of federal law, she is legally barred from partisan political activities because of her current job.

The Clintons' daughter, Chelsea, was in thet convention hall, though, watching her father from the seats.

? Matthew Lee


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Convention Watch shows you the 2012 political conventions through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.


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