Thursday, September 27, 2012

'Sons of Anarchy' Creator Kurt Sutter ?Not Shocked? By Johnny ...

Sons of Anarchy Johnny Lewis Dead Kurt Sutter

Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images / FX

Earlier this morning, tragic and surprising news broke that one-time ?Sons of Anarchy? star Johnny Lewis had died in a bizarre incident where the actor beat his 81-year-old landlady to death, got in an altercation with several men and died in a fall from the home in which he?d rented a room. Though the investigation is still on-going, ?Sons of Ancarhy? creator Kurt Sutter has issued his own response to the news, for which he grieves, but claims not to be surprised by.

While the ?Sons of Anarchy? cast and crew, as well as the family, friends and fans of actor Johnny Lewis continue to grieve for his death, series creator and Lewis? one-time boss Kurt Sutter had some unique words regarding the man?s passing. Taking to his Twitter account, Sutter explained that while Lewis? loss was tragic, it was not unforeseen.

not sure if folks know this yet, but johnny lewis (halfsack) died last night.? the sad irony of it happening two days after Opie?s death is not lost on me. it was a tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately had lost his way. i wish i could say that i was shocked by the events last night, but i was not.

i am deeply sorry that an innocent life had to be thrown into his destructive path. yes, it?s [a] day [of] mourning, but it?s also a day of awareness and gratitude. sadly, some of us carry the message by dying.

Sutter refers to the ?irony? of recent headlines surrounding ?Sons of Anarchy,? in which a beloved on-screen character and member of the SAMCRO organization was shockingly killed off. In real life, Lewis himself portrayed Kip ?Half-Sack? Epps on the series for the first two seasons, before the character was killed off at Lewis? request. Reportedly, Lewis had ?creative differences? with Sutter, and wished to be let go from his contract.

Sutter likely has a great deal of insight into the actor?s demise, in which police are investigating claims that the actor was on drugs at the time of his death, and facing a number of recent criminal charges.

Elsewhere, the investigation continues into the tragic loss.


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