Tuesday, September 11, 2012


YES YOU HEARD THAT PRETTY FUCKING CORRECTLY, BAKU SHAD-DO HAS CREATED A FULL EP OF EXCLUSIVE TRACKS BY THEIR ARTISTS FOR YOURs_FUCKING*@/?_TRULY!!! Bitches keep raising the stakes of the game, all I can say is I?m getting pretty fucking spoiled out here in blog-land. Sometimes, if you?re me for instance, you might think, hey, these guys run a cool label, but they?re probably just going to give me some left-over or b-grade tracks that weren?t good enough for any official release. THAT DOES NOT GO DOWN HERE, THEr3 is some INCREDIBLE shit on this, some of the dopest new shit anywhere right now, including tracks from GHOST PLANET, A FUCKING AMAZING PEPPERBOY/Nattymari TRACK!!!, and a new project from Paul Von Aphid from Modern Howl that I?m very fucking excited about, we have this MOTHERFUCKER AS THE PREMIERE OF THE FIRST NEW TRACK BY HIS BAND Nippon Leathergirl AND FUCKING MORE!!!! MAKE SURE YOU SCORE THIS IVIYH EXCLUSIVE: ?STR?L SH?D-DO[W] EP!!!FREE DOWNLOAD!!! PLUS CHECK OUT THE PIPELINE OF FUCKING GREAT RELEASES I?VE FUNNELED FOR YOU AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE, SOME FREE + NAME YOUR PRICE SHIT UP IN THIS SssshIIITTTTT!!!! Read this interview and learn about one of the most promising new labels out there, doing shit the way it should be done, and leaving behind in its wake the rotting corpse of the old music industry burning in flames. PS THEY?VE ALSO GIVEN YOU SHIT TO CREATE YOUR OWN PHYSICAL VERSION OF THIS EP, RIGHT CLICK DOWNLOAD AWAY ON THE FRONT/BACK COVERS ANDD ALL THE TRACKS STARTING HERE:

?STR?L SH?D-DO[W]: Exclusively for I Vacation In Your Hell



FREE DOWNLOAD ALL TRACKS HERE: (rightclicksavelinkedfiledwnld)
02 Nippon Leathergirl ? LCL
03 PEPPERBOY ? DEEP (Produced By Nattymari)
05 SANGO ? ZandSHE ? undr cvr [SANGO REMIX II]


Release Info:
A compilation mixtape provided by Baku Shad-do? for I Vacation In Your Hell.
Artwork by jjeff regeiringer.
Tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4 mastered by Toby Borrow ( www.facebook.com/bassbrother ), track 5 mastered by SANGO ( http://www.facebook.com/SangoBeats ).
Some portions of this compilation mixtape contain samples, all rights to individual samples belong to their respective originators.

Baku Shad-do? 2012 ? . All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication, for purpose of sale, is a violation of applicable laws.
Produced by Baku Shad-do exclusively for I Vacation In Your Hell. Presented by Baku Shad-do for a free and promotional mixtape release, courtesy of Baku Shad-do?. (This album is not for sale and is being released as a free, promotional, mixtape only.)




IVIYH: Can you give our readers a brief history of Baku Shad-do and how the label got started?

Mikey Shad-do: Well, after owning Union Without Nation with my old buddy, Derek, years ago I had a bitter taste in my mouth for the whole game. Eventually, with time, I came back from it and with the #OCCUPYXMAS album I needed a label again, so it just sort of happened. With the positive reinforcement of my friend Dana (C.A.N.S. and former member of Ariel Pink), Dafydd (a.k.a. Nattymari, our staff writer and one of the co-owners of the label), Jeff (our staff artist, my former classmate, also another co-owner), Toby and Ryan (our mastering team, formerly known as WitchMasterz Audio and the final two co-owners in our little quintet), I decided to go for it. In addition, Matt from SortaHuman, Matt Kamm (TELETHON), Blam Lord, Skye Speciale (in all his fantastic and eccentric glory) and Ron from (o)?HERS (as well as many others, too numerous to list) have always been around lending positive vibes and support. Lest I forget, Joe, Danny, Jack, and Jakob from Aural Sects, Alex from Post Religion, Gypsy from Pale Noir, and the beloved avant garde statesman of the scene, Carl Clandestine, have always offered kind words. Despite the scene?s reputation for infighting I?ve found that there are a lot of people with great hearts in it.

IVIYH: How did you select bands to sign, is there a specific sound you want to focus on for the label, what makes a good fit for Baku Shad-do?

Mikey Shad-do: Baku Shad-do, a specific sound, hmmmm, well, we?re more or less just an evolving sound, we hit upon quite a spectrum of electronic sound and now we?ll be adding quite a bit of hip-hop too, the next PEPPERBOY album is already in the works as well as 4 other hip-hop projects.

IVIYH: What is the genesis of the name Baku Shad-do?

Mikey Shad-do: Oh, Baku Shad-do?s name origin, that?s quite simple. A Baku is a creature with origins in Japanese and Chinese folklore/mythos. It consumes nightmares/takes away people?s bad dreams. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baku_(spirit)
Shad-do is just a play on the word shadow. In fact it?s pronounced like shadow, except for a double d is used instead of a singular one.

IVIYH: How would you classify your label, and what can a label offer a band these days that they aren?t able to do for themselves?

Mikey Shad-do: We?re an indie dark (and experimental) electronic and hip-hop label with a rapidly expanding pop-sensibility. As for what a good label can offer I can only speak for Baku Shad-do. We offer experience, we have a combined background in excess of 50 years in the arts, music, and entertainment industries. Every single one of us brings our own realm of experience to the table and I feel lucky to be a member of our team.

IVIYH: What is you philosophy about physical releases?

Mikey Shad-do: I love them, but there?s not a hell of a lot of profit in them, at least not without tons of promotion. I get really sick with labels that claim they sell x number, but then you look at their web hits and it just doesn?t add up. It gives unrealistic expectations to young artists, then leaves them feeling let down when they learn the truth. It really troubles me when people in the scene (not blaming anyone specific) pump up newcomers (and the younger crowd) to have massive rockstar expectations and concepts of themselves in a very post-rockstar scene. It takes a ton of hard work to get ahead, most of the musicians who make it work tirelessly to get anywhere. Just breaking even is hard to begin with, if you can do that you should feel like you?re really getting somewhere.

IVIYH: Are there any albums/bands that you would like to re-issue?

Mikey Shad-do: I plan on re-issuing many of ours in the months ahead actually (in vinyl).

IVIYH: Some people say this is the worst era in history for music, some say it?s the best, how do you feel about the current state of the music business?

Mikey Shad-do: I?d completely agree with both P.O.V.?s, both are completely true in their own ways.

IVIYH: What are some of your current favorite albums?

Mikey Shad-do: Well lately I haven?t gotten to listen to much outside the scene, but (when not listening to what we?re working on at the moment) odds are I?m listening to stuff from one of the other labels we?re friends with: Aural Sects, ?????, Pale Noir, Clandestine or Post Religion.

IVIYH: Have you ever had any experience with the paranormal?

Mikey Shad-do: Quite probably, but if I did it was very very personal.

IVIYH: What advice would give someone who is wanting to start a label of their own?

Mikey Shad-do: If you do it, do it right, get a grant first, it can be really $@#$* expensive, oh and don?t ever let yourself get sucked in by drama.

IVIYH: If I was to vacation in your hell what should I expect to find there?

Mikey Shad-do: Bananas.










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Source: http://ivacationinyourhell.com/2012/09/10/iviyh-exclusive-%E2%88%86str%E2%88%86l-sh%E2%88%86d-dow-ep-from-baku-shad-do-free-download/

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