Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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Missing in Action: Jedi Knight ? Bits 'n' Bytes Gaming: Videogame ...

Missing in Action: Jedi?Knight

Posted by Martin Watts on August 30, 2011 ? 1 Comment?

Where in the Galaxy is Kyle Katarn?

When it comes to Star Wars games, LucasArts has had its fair share of hits and misses.? From the superb Knights of the Old Republic to the diabolical Masters of the Teras Kasi, or worse yet, Super Bombad Racing (thanks Jar Jar!), gamers must usually approach videogame renditions of the hugely successful galactic film series with a great deal of caution.

Thankfully, this has never been the case when it comes to the Jedi Knight series.? Starting way back in 1995 when Dark Forces was released for DOS, Macintosh and PlayStation, the series has grown to become one of LucasArts most beloved works.? If you?re confused as to why the first game is called Dark Forces, and not Jedi Knight, that?s because it doesn?t actually have anything to do with Jedi.? However, Justin Chin, the storyline writer for Dark Forces, had always intended for the game?s protagonist, Kyle Katarn, to develop into a Jedi character.? And thank the Force that this happened ? Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II was the first game where we got to truly experience lightsaber combat that worked.? From this point on, the series built on this, so that by the time we got our hands on Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, you really could fight like a proper wielder of the Force.

Dark Forces

But this was back in 2003 and, despite the series? critical and commercial success, there hasn?t been another release.? Perhaps it?s just something inherent to LucasArts ? the Battlefront series was, up until LEGO Star Wars, made up of the best-selling Star Wars games ever made and, much like Jedi Knight, it too hasn?t been graced with a new entry (except for a couple of handheld iterations).? Of course, the company is right to focus on new series, not to mention that too many sequels can be a bad thing.? But a lot of people are in agreement on this one; the Jedi Knight series is desperately in need of a new instalment.

Over the 8 years that it ran, it was one of the best examples of technical advancement in videogames.? From its engaging story to its exceptional lightsaber combat mechanics, a new Jedi Knight game could restore balance to the Force?I mean Star Wars games.

What Made This One So Strong with the Force?

It?s hard to discuss the merits of a videogame series when it changes quite considerably between each instalment.? Jedi Knight released at a time when developers didn?t just make minor incremental tweaks or updates to a franchise and slap a new subtitle (and price tag) on the box (funnily enough, this used to be called an expansion and it was much better value-for-money!).

Nevertheless, Jedi Knight is remembered for one key reason: it?s Star Wars through and through.? Very few other games have evoked the same feeling.? The cheesy one-liners, the epic battle of light versus dark, and the power you felt playing as a Jedi all contributed to one heck of a gaming experience. ? Kyle Katarn, who has since grown to become one of the most popular expanded universe characters, won us over with his brash, badass nature.? He?s the cool alternative to Luke Skywalker and not just a carbon(ite), stereotypical copy.

Kyle Katarn: Badass Jedi At Your Service

Jedi Knight did a great job of portraying the character and the game?s supporting cast with live-action cutscenes that interject the gameplay.? Sure, it was done on what seems like a pretty tight budget, but it immediately captivated Jedi Knight?s audience ? being a fan of one of the greatest film sagas of all time, it was near impossible not to relate to the game?s cinematic approach.? Although this changed in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, a very filmic quality remained as Raven Software took advantage of the technogical benefits made available by the Quake 3 engine and looked to recreate that classic Star Wars experience.

What made the games so fun to play, however, was the immersive Jedi-based combat.? Ever since their first viewing of A New Hope, every Star Wars fan has, at some point, imagined they were a Jedi and the Jedi Knight series offered the next best thing.? Jedi Outcast was the pinnacle of the series in this regard, offering silky smooth lightsaber control that was easy to learn, yet incredibly difficult to master.? The amount of intricacies that a top player had to be aware of was staggering.? Having a range of combat styles and using the 8 directions supplied by your keyboard meant that you could be incredibly varied in your approach to dueling an opponent.? And this is another area where Jedi Knight succeeded in delivering a truly authentic Star Wars experience.? Much like in the films, lightsaber duels could go on for some time before a victor emerged, and when someone did win, it was because they pulled off a surprise hit or exploited their enemy?s weakness or mistake.

Moreover, Jedi Knight is a story of the main character?s development.? It is by no means as in-depth as a BioWare RPG, but this advancement is seen more through the actual gameplay than it is the story.? As you progress through one of the games as either Kyle Katarn or Jedi Academy?s Jaden Korr, you, much like any practicing Jedi, begin to learn new lightsaber skills and Force powers.? Early on in the game, you?ll struggle to overcome certain enemies and obstacles because your powers and skill limit you, meaning that in some instances (such as fighting Jedi Outcast?s Tavion) you?ll be relying on a little luck to get you through.? By the end of the game, however, the outlook is very different.? While the difficulty is much higher, you know you can more confidently approach a tricky part of the game and succeed (nothing is more satisfying than taking on 4 Dark Jedi at the same time).? The sense of power felt when staring down a squad of Stormtroopers and annihilating them all without taking a single hit is incredible, and it?s truly amazing how few games manage to provide the player with the same level of progression.


These aren?t the only achievements of the Jedi Knight series.? Technically speaking, each game performed exceptionally well in the graphics and audio department, and the level design is considerably high in quality.? Again, this is linked to the notion of the series being very Star Wars ? the technical aspects help to create a very immersive experience that is almost on par with the movies.

A New Hope?

It is incredibly hard to imagine what a new Jedi Knight game would actually look like.? The gaming landscape has changed considerably since Jedi Academy released in 2003.? First and foremost, consoles are the key focus for developers, and if you?ve ever played a home system port of Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy, it just isn?t as good as on PC.? Therefore, would the next Jedi Knight game be more complex, a continuation of the same thing, or simply dumbed down?? Given that the masses now regularly sign into Xbox Live or PlayStation Network for a spot of Call of Duty, Jedi Knight would more than likely be simplified, and I fear that a lot would be lost in the process.

The Force Was Not Quite As Strong with This One

Were this not an issue, it would be fair to say that most fans of the series would expect more of the same thing, with a few new bells and whistles thrown in on top.? The gameplay allowed for a great deal of complex and varied combat, and it?s difficult to see how this side of the series could be deepened further.? A new story is mandatory, one which perhaps steers away even more so from Kyle Katarn, only because we?ve trained him up from padawan to master twice before.? At the same time, the story in Jedi Academy, even with its new character, was rather disjointed thanks to many of its missions not really feeling as central or as important to the main story as we were led to believe.? Jedi Outcast did a much better job of presenting one overarching story that had some cool deviations carefully placed throughout and a return to this particular approach would be very welcome.

Augmenting the scale of the game would also be a nice improvement.? In previous Jedi Knight games you were predominantly fighting on your own from start to finish, but the moments where you teamed up with Lando or other Jedi Knights were especially cool (if you?ve played the final mission in Jedi Academy, you?ll know exactly what I?m talking about).? Having more allies on-screen, and even a buddy through online cooperative play, could add a lot more immersion to what Star Wars does best ? the grand battles.? Jedi Academy?s ?Siege? mode was actually a prime example of how suited cooperative gameplay is to the series.? Building upon this with a more story-driven element could prove to be a very compelling gaming experience.

Lastly, and most importantly, there mustn?t be any sign of Jar Jar Binks.? The only permissible exception to this is a level where either you get to lop the irritating Gungan?s head off, or fight your way through a digital version of Skywalker Ranch and bring George Lucas to justice for creating such a monstrosity.

May the Force Be with You, LucasArts

So if you?re a little tired of The Force Unleashed?s hack ?n? slash mechanics, or LEGO Star Wars? overly simplistic gameplay, then why not boot up a copy of one of the classic Jedi Knight games and embrace the nostalgia?? Hell, they?re even available through Steam.? It?s a series that has aged well and it?s a shame that a new entry isn?t somewhere on the horizon.? We can only hope that at some point in the near future, LucasArts takes a look back to a time not so long ago in a galaxy that really isn?t that far away and decides to create another one of those rare, AAA quality Star Wars videogame experiences.

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Filed under Featured Story, Missing In Action, Retro ? Tagged with dark forces, gaming, Jedi Knight II, Kyle Katarn, LucasArts, Missing In Action, raven software, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, videogames


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sprint Epic 4G Touch specs revealed

Epic touch 4G

We just got word from someone who will be soon having some hands-on training with the Sprint Epic 4G Touch, and they filled us in on the device specs and details.  There's nothing here we weren't expecting, but that hardly makes it any less impressive.  Check 'em:

  • 4.52 inch Super AMOLED Plus display
  • Ultra-thin (9.59mm) design
  • Samsung Exynos 1.2GHz dual-core processor
  • Wimax 4G radio
  • Media Hub
  • 8MP rear camera and 2MP front camera
  • Social Hub
  • HD video recording
  • Samsung Kies Air
  • Wifi calling
  • NOVA 2 HD pre-loaded
  • Swype pre-loaded
  • AES-256 internal/external hardware encryption
  • Bluetooth 3.0
  • Sprint ID
  • Polaris Office
  • Hotspot controls up to eight devices
  • Android 2.3
  • Optional USB Host kit for connection keyboards, cameras, printers and thumb drives
  • Optional HDMI adapter
  • Multimedia and Car docks will be available

Bazinga!  That reads like an Android geek's letter to Santa Claus.  Be sure to join us tonight for the live blog -- there's no way you wanna miss any info about this one. 

Thanks, KevinChaos!

More in the Epic 4G Touch forums



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Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene update: Storm claims its first lives

Hurricane Irene has caused a reported four deaths so far. Officials warn that storm surges and flooding could be greater because of the new moon arriving Sunday night.

Hurricane Irene now has caused the loss of several lives as it works its way north to New York and New England.

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According to published reports, those include three in North Carolina and one in Virginia.

A motorist lost control of his vehicle and struck a tree, a man feeding livestock was struck by a tree limb, a man collapsed and died as he put plywood over his windows, and a boy was killed when a tree crashed into an apartment complex, reports CNN.

RECOMMENDED: First look at hurricane Irene: Thankfully, not a 'monster'

"This is a storm where, if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, it could be fatal," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a press conference Saturday afternoon.

Although Irene was downgraded to a Category 1 hurricane, there?s another natural event that?s expected to exacerbate the potential for property damage and personal injury: the arrival of a new moon Sunday night.

During new and full moons, the gravitational pull between the earth and the moon intensifies, causing lower low tides and higher high tides. This can increase the power and level of storm surges flooding low-lying areas.

The storm surge from Hurricane Irene combined with the highest tides of the month could make Irene "the storm of a lifetime" for Tidewater Virginians, Gov. Bob McDonnell said Friday, according to the Associated Press. The high tides and a surge of 3 to 6 feet would push water throughout Chesapeake Bay 8 to 9 feet over its mean level, Gov. McDonnell said.

New Jersey faces a similar situation.

The arrival of hurricane Irene could mean that close to 70 percent of Hoboken's streets will be under water during Sunday's predicted storm, reports Claire Moses at

?On top of rain and wind, the Hudson River's tide will be at 5.6 feet above sea level on Sunday night, said Executive Director of the North Hudson Sewage Authority Fred Pocci. Irene is supposed to arrive in our region around that time,? Ms. Moses wrote. ?This is one of the highest tides of the year, Pocci explained. A low tide will return on Monday around 3:15 a.m., he said, at which point flood water will recede.?

Farther north, Hingham, Mass. is expecting tides of 13-14 feet Sunday.

?It will be a significant event for us,? Town Administrator Ted Alexiades told the Boston Globe.

Hurricane prep: Are you smarter than a storm tracker? Take our quiz


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Issue for the week of September 10th, 2011

September 10th, 2011

  • Once futuristic visions, solar sails now take off. (p. 18)

  • Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies (p. 22)

  • Scientists spot key players in surgery?s surprising ability to reverse diabetes (p. 26)

  • Human brain scans and mice data link serotonin-boosting drugs with reduced plaque density. (p. 5)

  • New observations may explain why the sun?s outer atmosphere is so blazing hot. (p. 8)

  • Seasonal patterns consistent with briny seeps on the Red Planet, a new study concludes. (p. 8)

  • Wispy neutrinos could one day explain why matter dominates the universe. (p. 9)

  • Epidermal devices offer new potential to integrate electronics into the body. (p. 10)

  • New technology would allow drivers to slam on the brakes faster just by thinking about it. (p. 11)

  • Missing or added genes cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other disorders, such as autism. (p. 12)

  • A computerized amoeba might help show the way. (p. 12)

  • Studies follow leaks into waterways and drinking supplies. (p. 13)

  • Researchers suspect the spilled crude didn?t provide a balanced diet. (p. 13)

  • Fossilized plesiosaur with fetus suggests ancient reptiles cared for their young. (p. 14)

  • Behavior that appears altruistic actually benefits number one. (p. 14)

  • Rewards ? and consequences ? stabilize underground biological market in mutualistic relationships. (p. 15)

  • Flowery advertising, tempting toilets for shrews, bat beacons and more in this week?s news. (p. 15)

  • Almost everyone is infected, but in some people a widespread herpes bug appears to reach the central nervous system by an olfactory route. (p. 16)

  • Elderly women who have gaps in their breathing at night have a heightened risk of developing cognitive problems, a study finds. (p. 16)

  • Review by Sid Perkins (p. 30)

  • Review by Bruce Bower (p. 30)

  • (p. 30)

  • (p. 30)

  • (p. 30)

  • (p. 30)

  • (p. 30)

  • (p. 4)

  • (p. 4)

  • (p. 4)

  • (p. 31)

  • Einstein invents fridges,cameras and clothing. (p. 32)


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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Disability gave Kneeshaw advantages

Disability gave Kneeshaw advantages

Published: August 25, 2011

Updated: 08/25/2011 04:00 pm

He attributed his being more self-aware, his ability to focus on college school work, and his current self-confidence to having had polio.

I have never featured anyone quite like Rick Kneeshaw, age 63. He acquired polio at age 3 and post-polio syndrome about age 36.

The National Institutes of Health describes post-polio syndrome as a condition affecting polio survivors "years after recovery from an initial acute attack of the poliomyelitis virus. It can cause weakening in affected and non-affected muscles, muscle atrophy, fatigue, and joint degeneration pain."

"By age 16, I had spent over four years total in Shriners Hospital for 12 different orthopedic operations," said Kneeshaw in a telephone interview. "I have positive recollections of being in the hospital and marked my childhood by the various hospital stays that averaged between three and nine months."

The hospital offered a basic school education up to eighth grade. At 16, he began working towards an engineering degree at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) in order to become an electronics engineer. Although having missed much of high school math because of hospitalizations, he still was able through sheer determination to pass his courses and graduate.

He said, "And if I had my life to live over again, I would remain disabled. Lots of good has come from it. For example, in 1953 I was a (polio) poster child and over the next 30 years I did hundreds of talks for the Shriners and Rotary (about polio). Through it, I learned how to do public speaking and used that skill to advance my career. I went from being a junior engineer at work to being a company director selling $25 million material handling systems. I got to travel all over the world and use my public speaking skills to earn a good living."

He attributed his being more self-aware, his ability to focus on college school work, and his current self-confidence to having had polio.

"Most polio survivors are over-achievers who want to do all they can for others," he said. "In general, they are good communicators because in order to survive you had to ask for help and get others to do things for you that you couldn't."

Kneeshaw has been completely paralyzed in his left leg, hip, and left side of back since age 3. To get around, he uses a combination of crutches, long-leg brace, power wheelchair, cane, and scooter. He has a completely accessible home and garden, and regularly enjoys woodworking.

For more stories of courage in disability, visit or find them on Facebook at "Disabilities By Daniel J. Vance." Blue Valley Sod and Palmer Bus Service made this column possible.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sexual Satisfaction Part of Successful Aging | Psych Central News

By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on August 25, 2011

Successful Aging Includes Sexual Satisfaction A new study of older women finds that successful aging and a positive quality of life are linked to sexual satisfaction.

Researchers at the Stein Institute for Research on Aging at the University of California, San Diego discovered successful aging, quality of life and sexual satisfaction continue to be interrelated even as the physical health of women declines between the ages of 60 and 89.

The report is published online in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.

Researchers reviewed self-reported information from 1,235 women enrolled at the San Diego site of the Women?s Health Initiative (WHI) study.

The WHI is a major ongoing research program funded by the National Institutes of Health which, since 1993, has addressed causes of death, disability and quality of life in more than 160,000 generally healthy, post-menopausal women.

As expected, sexual activity and functioning (such things as desire, arousal and ability to climax) declined as a woman aged, as did reported physical and mental health.

However, in contrast to sexual activity and functioning, satisfaction with overall sex life was not significantly different between the three age cohorts studied: age 60 to 69; 70 to 70; and 80 to 89.

Approximately 67 percent, 60 percent, and 61 percent of women in these three age groups, respectively, reported that they were ?moderately? to ?very satisfied? with their sex lives.

This surprised researchers who surmised that sexual satisfaction would decline with age.

?Contrary to our earlier hypothesis, sexual satisfaction was not significantly associated with age,? said Wesley K. Thompson, Ph.D.

?Although the levels of sexual activity and functioning did vary significantly, depending on the woman?s age, their perceived quality of life, successful aging and sexual satisfaction remained positive.?

Sexual activity was significantly lower in older age cohorts. Of the women who were married or in an intimate relationship, 70 percent of those aged 60 to 69, 57 percent of those aged 70 to 79, and 31 percent of those aged 80 to 89 reported having had some sexual activity in the previous six months.

Marriage or living in an intimate relationship was associated with higher rates of sexual activity than for those not in a relationship. However, sexual activity decreased for all women as age advanced.

According to the researchers, the results confirm earlier findings that suggest self-rated health varies little with age even when objective health indicators show age-associated decline.

?What this study tells us is that many older adults retain their ability to enjoy sex well into old age,? said Thompson.

?This is especially true of older adults who maintain a higher level of physical and mental health as they grow older. Furthermore, feeling satisfied with your sex life ? whatever your levels of sexual activity ? is closely related to your perceived quality of life.?

He added that ?while we cannot assess cause and effect from this study, these results suggest that maintaining a high level of sexual satisfaction may positively reinforce other psychological aspects of successful aging.?

Source: University of California ? San Diego



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The humanity we live in is growing progressively stressful, fast-paced, and filled with responsibility. Because of this, everyone needs some time to unwind and have some recreation. Our modern way of life also tends to be inactive, and the meals we eat are often not very healthy. Exercise is a very important component in renewing us. For these grounds, sports recreation activities are some of the best recreation we can choose. There are many options for spare-time activity to provide sports recreation. You may even would like to learn some new recreational sports skills.

Courses to learn new sports recreation skills can be found online and in larger cities. You can learn and participate in team sports through the local and other organizations. Team sports recreation activities you might like to participate in include softball, baseball, basketball, and sometimes soccer for younger people. Another team sport you might enjoy is bowling. Regardless of your skill level, you can find a bowling team to have fun with.

One-on-one sports recreation activities you can adopt and take part in includes aerobic dance, running, tennis, golf, gymnastics, and horseback riding. Don?t disregard bicycling and weight training. A lot of these sports can be enlightened at the local. For whatever you will want to have an acquaintance to play against or share the experience with. Many runners, for example, like to run with a friend. And games like handball and tennis actually need cooperation for best results.

Whenever you?d rather, you can learn about sports recreation skills online. You can find courses to teach almost any sport or activity you?ll think of including fly-fishing, underwater hockey, and para-gliding in the Alps! Of course, unless you will be able to get some hands-on experience you?ll only have the theories of the sport. Still, online courses are a good way to get a taste of several sports and recreational activities you could someday prefer to try out.

A really recreation game you might get a chance to play is ping pong. Ping pong, or table tennis as it is sometimes called, is played on a table with rubber coated paddles and extremely lightweight plastic balls. You must hit the ball with your paddle so that it strikes the table and clears the net before your opponent strikes it and bounces it back to you. One way to become more adept at ping pong and increase your chance of winning is to hit the ball harder than at other times. This keeps your opponent guessing what you will do next.

Sports recreation activities are a great way to get exercise and relieve stress. They are also a lot of fun. Sports truly are an outside outlet that enables you to make friends and participate in healthy exercise. Whether with friends or alone, everyone needs a favorite recreation to participate in.

Always keep a first aid box and also take some tips from your physician. fishing boots and waders You might call them holidays, vacations, weekends, but in reality it is simply playtime. Winter Sports: ? requires particular environment and experts players.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Nokia launches 3 mass-market smartphones

(AP) ? Nokia on Wednesday unveiled three mass-market smartphones, as the troubled handset maker struggles against top-end competitors and cheaper producers in a market it once ruled as the innovative technology bellwether.

The new models, based on the Symbian platform, include what the Finland-based company calls the world's smallest touch-screen smartphone and one with an exceptionally bright display.

The launch of the Nokia 600, 700 and 701 comes five months after Nokia introduced its first smartphones to run on the updated Symbian software, with new icons, enhancements and a faster browser. It said they were made with an "extensive use" of eco-friendly materials, have long battery life and include power saving features.

Nokia is being increasingly squeezed in the low end market by Asian manufacturers like ZTE and in the high end by the makers of smartphones like Apple Inc.'s iPhone and Research in Motion's Blackberry.

It is hoping to regain momentum with the Windows Phone 7 ? to be launched later this year ? after teaming up with Microsoft, whose Windows Phone operating system will become the main platform for Nokia cellphones.

Symbian technology, seen by some developers as clumsy and dated, was surpassed by Google's popular Android as the world's No. 1 smartphone software at the end of last year. But Nokia said it is not scrapping Symbian anytime soon.

"Symbian Belle and the three new handsets we are launching today show our commitment to continue delivering Symbian products," Ilari Nurmi, a Nokia vice president, said. "These will not be last products or updates we will deliver on Symbian."

The new models, which include NFC ? or near-field communication ? technology, enable the use of stereo Bluetooth headsets and speakers and content to be shared between devices.

Nokia said its 700 model, weighing 3.5 ounces (96 grams), is the "most compact touch monoblock smartphone in the world," with a 1Ghz processor, 3.2 inch screen and two gigabytes of inbuilt memory.

Nokia shares closed up 1 percent at euro4.15 ($5.99) on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

Based in Espoo near Helsinki, Nokia employs 132,500 people worldwide. It claims 1.3 billion daily users of its devices, and has said it hopes the partnership with Microsoft will lead to capturing the next billion users to join the Internet in developing growth markets.



Associated Press


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Online Gaming Soon to be the Only Gaming? | Online Gaming Tips

Most of us are old sufficient to bear in mind when the Commodore 64 initial came out followed by the Atari system. The initial reaction to these systems was sheer amazement as we played with our pixels for hours upon hours. Soon we learned how to beat the Artificial Intelligence and the games replay value suffered greatly.

So why do video games grow to be boring or outdated? Naturally a massive factor is technologies and graphics, but a stronger component is competition and the capacity to adapt. Single player games do not give the capacity to adapt the artificial intelligence today doesn?t permit for complex strategies or maneuvers to be utilized, but we know who can ? Humans! Yes, there is nothing like outthinking, outmaneuvering, besting, owning, fragging, or whatever you want to do, to another living, breathing, frustrated human being.

When you get that kill shot on a personal computer you know they do not get emotional, but when you take out a live opponent, you know he/she is slamming their keyboard and possibly ripping out their cable modem (Stracraft comes to mind for this). It is not the mere act of succeeding but rather how tough the success was to acquire. Even killing ?newbs? (new players) following a although gets old as you require a lot more of a challenge you want an individual that is adept at thinking on the spot and maneuvering in such approaches that the computer or a newb could never accomplish. You have now reached a new level of your gaming capacity and the only way to grow further as a player is to play the greatest.

To play the best you will will need to play against the world, literally. By playing on the internet users, 1 can play the very best users all across the globe in an effort to test adaptability, focus, reflexes, technique, and yes digital-courage. It isn?t sufficient to have competitor A go first, then competitor B go to see who can outscore or time trial the fastest on a map. That is the weakest form of competition as it is not direct. No, you need to play against each other in actual time in order to the get the adrenaline rush.

My latest example is the game Joust. This game is old, outdated, crappy graphics, and previously single player. No 1 actually played this game these days. That is until it was announced it would become a multiplayer game on the Xbox 360 live. Now you can Joust against other people the game has now evolved from defeating simple AI mechanics to a full blown strategy/reflexes game against the finest. This can be observed with PS3 having Mortal Kombat available for on-line play. This game is very old as properly and mostly employed for nostalgia until the on-line component breathed life and competition back into it.

Just what are the benefits to Single Player games than, if any? Effectively, the technology isn?t that cheap and most can?t afford a PS3 or Xbox 360 plus the Live fee. The advantages are only cost and beginning practice. As the cost gets cheaper the only added benefit 1 can get from Single Player is map memorization, game mechanics, and the extremely basics the game has to offer. Most do not want to play against other opponents till they recognize the intricacies of the game, and rightfully so. Single player games are going the way of the Dodo as low cost On the web Games take it location. Who would have thought Joust and Mortal Kombat I would be resurrected in 2008, effectively over a decade following their initial release? Ask you parents to have a kid brother, or go on-line and experience the wonders of making an individual spam you with profanity, or ripping out their modem as you harass them endlessly. On-line Games bring out the worst and best of us, whilst Single Player games just alleviate some boredom. Hell, even Pong can be fun if it?s a nationwide competition. Sending this write-up to a friend will assist them realize to get off their single player RPG kick )


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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> News Item > LinkedIn Users: change your Privacy Settings to avoid this issue

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1. go to your name in the right upper corner
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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Brezinski Wins On The Course He Designed At The Red Bull Manny ...

August 22, 2011 ? 10:27 pm PT by Mike
Tags: David Gonzalez, Joey Brezinski, Manny Mania, Sewa Kroetkov ?

The Red Bull Manny Mania is surely one hell of an event.? It?s one of the few contests in the world where amateur nobodies can enter to compete against the best pros in the world.? Only in the World Series of Poker and Pros Vs Joes do you see that kind of intense competition.? Although the Pros in PROS VS JOES are pretty washed up by then, which puts the pros into the same category as most of the celebrities in DANCING WITH THE STARS.? So I suppose the only real event you can compare the world?s greatest skate athletes skating with amateurs are the The World Series of Poker ATHLETES who play with amateurs as well.

But only one slight complaint if I may do so.? It?s no secret that Joey Brezinski won this year?s Red Bull Manny Mania.? It?s no secret that Joey Brezinski designed this year?s course for the Red Bull Manny Mania.? And it?s no secret that Joey?s street name back in the day was Bucky.? But how is it okay that the best manual artist in the world today is in charge for creating a course, which would obviously suit his style over everybody else?s?? That?s like having THUNDER design the final obstacle course for the American Gladiators as he competes against some SCHMO on the very course he designed.? Or like your friend MANUEL throwing a dance contest that?s in his own HOUSE.

(Manuel ?Twinkle Toes? Rodriguez)

Other than that, big ups to Joey for winning yet another Red Bull Manny Mania event.? But moments before the final, a massive thunderstorm was threatening to soak Red Bull Manny Mania, yet miraculously the clouds parted and Joey Brezinski was able to skate his way back to the top of the podium for his 3rd event victory over the last 5 years. A deluge was not the only threat ? the Red Bull Manny Mania World Final champion Sewa Kroetkov from The Netherlands came in a close 2nd place, beating out many of the top pros who only a day ago were his idols, and are now his equals.

The contest saw some of the best in technical skateboarding hit the custom built course, designed by Brezinski himself, including event vets like Eli Reed and Ronnie Creager as well as new pros Walker Ryan and Joe Tookmanian. The early rounds saw impressive skating from Sewa, who continued his amazing trick barrage started the day before as well as ?lightning speed run from Dennis Busenitz where he kickflipped out of a manual over the big gap to flat and some amazing tricks from Brazil?s Alex Carolino like a switch flip manual switch flip out on the big box.

As the Doppler radar showed a very severe weather cell knocking on Coleman Park?s door, it was a rush to get the finals underway with Brezinski, Sewa, and 2007 winner Ronnie Creager all advancing as well as an unexpected appearance from David Gonzalez, who came to New York to support his brother who skated in the Red Bull Manny Mania World Final. Entering on a whim, he rode convincingly and earned his way to final heat.

BUCKY GETS LUCKY: Someone in the heavens must be a skateboarding fan, as the seemingly imminent storm somehow bypassed lower Manhattan and the final went off. The storm was on the course as Sewa and Brezinski battled it out trick for trick. Sewa continued with his technical showcase landing a nollie late flip nose manual nollie flip out while Joey answered back with an inward heel manny front variel heel out and a front blunt on the bar fakie manual fakie flip out, which judges felt ?put him over the top.

Brezinski knew he was up against stiff competition, ?I?m psyched it didn?t rain and we got to have a so rad contest. Sewa is gnarly. He?s got some tricks in the bag.? While Sewa could have won without much argument (even Joey was surprised when they handed him the trophy) he was humble in his experience. ?The pro skating was amazing. In the finals I got tired the last couple minutes.? Joey?s years as a pro paid off, with proper rest and concentration he was able to last to the clock ticked down and came away victorious. ?Third place went to David Gonzalez, who walked away with some special plans for his prize money, ?I can?t even believe I got 3rd in a manual contest, I don?t really skate manuals at all! I?m going to buy 4 guitars, that?s it.?

Fans were the real lucky ones, as they got to witness some of the best skating ever seen in the five year history of Red Bull Manny Mania. Perhaps the biggest fan of all was Alyssa Jugmoeunsing, 17, of Trinidad and Tobago who traveled just to see the contest.

?I came to New York to see Manny Mania. It was really awesome to see all the pros and make my dreams come true to see it live. It?s a lot better than just on You Tube!?

For Brezinski and Red Bull Manny Mania World Final champion Sewa, it will be a weekend to remember in the City where anything can happen ? especially with a little luck from above.

Red Bull Manny Mania Pro Final Results:
Sunday, August 21st, 2011
1.?? ?Joey Brezinski

2.??? Sewa Kroetkov

3.??? David Gonzalez

4. Ronnie Creager

5. ?Alex Carolino

6. ?Marty Murawski

7. ?Dennis Busenitz

8. ?Eli Reed

9. ?Steve Nesser

10. Walker Ryan


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Monday, August 22, 2011

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You can help solve IRS tax debt for each type of tax problem. In fact, it is for those who recommended tax relief for one simple reason. People tend to talk a lot when you get nervous and have an impact on negotiations, when it comes to the IRS. Trader tax expert understands the importance of the IRS questions thoroughly and know exactly when to stop talking about it.

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If you are easily offended, it is very important to stay away from the IRS. It would be easy to bully tactics victims. Instead, dealers quietly with facts and experience, armed only with practice. It is almost impossible for the IRS to intimidate a professional tax-dealer means that one of its methods for collecting primary data disappears. If you use IRS tax debt to hire permanently a representative can help to negotiate. google_ad_channel = "7940249670", AB_unit_channel AB_cat_channel + +; google_language "is" =; google_ad_region = "test";
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HBO retooling film for West Memphis 3 verdict

Premium cable TV network HBO plans to re-tool the ending of the third in a series of documentaries it has backed on the "West Memphis Three," reflecting Friday's decision to free the men previously convicted of murder.

Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr. pleaded guilty in an Arkansas courtroom on Friday to the gruesome, 1993 murders of three young boys, but in an unusual bargain with prosecutors, the men were allowed to maintain their claims of innocence in the case and were set free.

The case ? and the question of their guilt or innocence ? had become a cause celebre, attracting attention from actor Johnny Depp, Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder and Dixie Chick Natalie Maines, among others.

It is also the subject of 1996 Emmy-winning documentary "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills" by directors Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky that aired on HBO.

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The directors subsequently made two followups, "Paradise Lost 2: Revelations" in 2000, and "Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory," which will screen at September's Toronto International Film Festival and air on HBO this coming January. HBO said it will re-work the ending of the third movie due to Friday's decsion.

"To see our work culminate in the righting of this tragic miscarriage of justice is more than a filmmaker could ask for," Berlinger said in a statement after attending Friday's court hearing with Sinofsky.

The third movie "tells the entire story, from the arrests in 1993 to the growing movement, through the entire appeals process and the uncovering of new evidence, concluding with their release," the directors and HBO said.

Pressure has been mounting in recent years to free the men who were convicted of murdering 8-year-old Cub Scouts Steven Branch, Christopher Byers and James Michael Moore.

Police at the time called the murders "satanic" because the children's naked bodies had been bound and mutilated.

Of the West Memphis Three, who were teenagers at the time of the murders, Baldwin and Misskelley were sentenced to life in prison, and Echols was on death row.

Yet, they had always maintained their innocence. Recent DNA tests did not link the men to the crime scene and, in fact, showed the presence of others who have never been identified.

Arkansas officials said they believed the defendants might be acquitted in a new trial due to the deaths of witnesses, DNA tests, changing stories, and stale evidence.

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why Im Happy In A Long Distance Relationship | The Dame | Life ...

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(Image shot by me at The Secret Garden Party 2011)

My boyfriend only lives a 5 hour drive away and we make an effort to see each other every couple of weeks and Im totally ok with it.

  • I have time to miss him
  • I have time to get on with my own life
  • I have time to appreciate him
  • I have time to think about us
  • I never lose my individuality
  • It gives us time to grow into each other
  • We never lose the spark
  • We have something to talk about when we see each other

If we weren?t long distance, we would be in each other?s pockets and our relationship would move too fast and my head would be a mess without the time to sort through the emotions and thoughts that come with being in a new relationship.

Being in this relationship has made me cement my feelings that there should always be space and time apart in a relationship.

You need to remain individuals in a partnership instead of two sides of the same coin.? Losing sight of who you are as an individual because you are too caught up in your other half is one of the reasons why relationships deteriorate.

Whenever I feel mopey and am missing him, I ask myself, do you miss him because you are bored, or because you miss him?

Often I feel like missing someone is a sign of an emotional crutch that is needed and that is dangerous.? You should never rely on someone to make you feel the way you need to feel.? It isn?t someone elses job.? We don?t like it when someone relies on us to make them feel good, so don?t do it to the one you?re with.

So, instead of thinking, ?I miss the way he makes me laugh all the time?, I think ?I love the way he makes me laugh all the time?.? That way, I?m appreciating him as an individual and not making him my emotional crutch which takes away who he really is and makes him into something I think I need.

Be careful of that gaping hole inside you that thinks it?s a different person sized hole.? It?s not.? It only fits you and only you can fill it.

Having someone love and support me from afar means I get to fill in the gaps when he is away.? It?s teaching me what I need to give myself instead of relying on someone else to fill me up.

I?m learning that I have to take responsibility for my own well being, physically, mentally and most importantly emotionally.? And funnily enough, all those things tie together and begin with physically.? If I don?t exercise daily, my head gets muddy and I get anxious and my thoughts go south on myself and my relationship and they take my emotions down with them.

When I take care of myself first, everything else falls into place perfectly.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?? What is the experience teaching you? Let us know in the comments!

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