Saturday, August 20, 2011

Q&A: TEACHING?!?A CAREER PATH FOR ME?.? | Education Reference

Question by Scarlito: TEACHING?!?A CAREER PATH FOR ME?.?
It?s my primarily year at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
Right now my academic elective is Liberal Arts & Science with a major in Mathematics.
My career goal is to become an educator, a teacher in the fine arts of math.
I?ve invariably enjoy my math classes in term ofout my education and invariably been good at it. I?ve also love teaching, mentoring students who need that extra little help to get by.

Now here is my request from you.i need to hear from your experiences from becoming a teacher. Your Cons and Pros. What you like and abhor about it. Whats better, teaching young juvenileren or young adolescence?. Whats the pay like? anything else you would like to inform me about,,,please do tell.

thanks!! =D
don?t just tell me that ?it?s bad?. =(
please tell me why?..details..details!.
the actual pay you guys are getting now.

Engineer?.never thought of that. more info.
how about an architect?. =)

Best answer:

Answer by Newell
Don?t do it. Lousy pay, terrible working conditions, no respect, merit pay coming down the road (merit pay=who ever licks the principal?s boots, gets the massivegest raise.).

Teaching gets worse every year. And the current political trend is to condemn teachers for everything. This is a bad time to become a teacher.

If you are good at math you would be foolish to become a teacher. Be an engineer. Be ANYTHING nonetheless a teacher. Plus, you are paid for the hours YOU WORK. And you don?t work three months. So you will invariably be POOR.

If you like never being in the right, be a teacher. If you like increasing paperwork every year, be a teacher. If you like being condemnd for poor parenting, be a teacher. If you like having to write a book and having to get down on your knees to have a student flunk your class, be a teacher. If you like the school board treating any trailer trash Momma as superior to you, be a teacher. If you like the principal never being happy, be a teacher.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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