Sunday, August 14, 2011

Set Your Sights on Vision Health | Articles Studio

Going to the dentist is a given. Every six months you get those pearly whites scrubbed and polished to perfection, and the tooth man tells you if there are any problems. Visiting the physician for an annual check-up, that too cannot be ignored, and so every twelve months you dutifully check in. You get your moles mapped every year by the dermatologist, too. So what else is left? Many people overlook a vital component to total body health by neglecting to make a necessary appointment with the eye doctor. Vision health is just as important as any other part of the body, so why is it that this is likely the least visited professional?

If your vision seems fine, and you do not wear contacts or glasses, you may think that it is a waste of time and money to get your eyes checked. After all, aren?t they only there for people who can?t see? Wrong. Vision health is about more than whether you need corrective lenses or not. There are a host of conditions that affect the vital organs we use every day that you are probably not even aware of, and yet you rely on them as much as any other part of your body. Interestingly, too, vision health and your ability to see clearly may be compromised without you even realizing it.

Vision health should be evaluated yearly. You may think that you are seeing just fine, thank you very much, but do you know for sure? After all, our bodies have a way of compensating for any defects. Do you have headaches after you?ve been reading small print, watching television, or looking at really anything for an extended period? You may be straining to see without even realizing it. An eye doctor can perform a painless vision test that will let you know whether or not your eyes are performing correctly.

There are so many viable options that can easily make your sight better that it is truly a wonder that more people do not take into account the need for maintaining vision health. Even if you do not need corrective lenses, what if there are other problems, like the beginnings of glaucoma or cataracts? Would it not be better to find out early on and treat the problem than to suddenly find yourself without the ability to gauge distances, depth, colors?

In the end, it is so important to maintain vision health. A visit to the eye doctor will take an hour out of your year but possibly open your eyes to a problem you never even knew existed. Vision health is an essential element of overall health, so do not turn a blind eye, so to speak, on this very real and critical component of your total body wellness.

By Steven Johnson


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