Monday, August 29, 2011

Issue for the week of September 10th, 2011

September 10th, 2011

  • Once futuristic visions, solar sails now take off. (p. 18)

  • Scientists seek a savior as a deadly fungal pandemic explodes through vulnerable colonies (p. 22)

  • Scientists spot key players in surgery?s surprising ability to reverse diabetes (p. 26)

  • Human brain scans and mice data link serotonin-boosting drugs with reduced plaque density. (p. 5)

  • New observations may explain why the sun?s outer atmosphere is so blazing hot. (p. 8)

  • Seasonal patterns consistent with briny seeps on the Red Planet, a new study concludes. (p. 8)

  • Wispy neutrinos could one day explain why matter dominates the universe. (p. 9)

  • Epidermal devices offer new potential to integrate electronics into the body. (p. 10)

  • New technology would allow drivers to slam on the brakes faster just by thinking about it. (p. 11)

  • Missing or added genes cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other disorders, such as autism. (p. 12)

  • A computerized amoeba might help show the way. (p. 12)

  • Studies follow leaks into waterways and drinking supplies. (p. 13)

  • Researchers suspect the spilled crude didn?t provide a balanced diet. (p. 13)

  • Fossilized plesiosaur with fetus suggests ancient reptiles cared for their young. (p. 14)

  • Behavior that appears altruistic actually benefits number one. (p. 14)

  • Rewards ? and consequences ? stabilize underground biological market in mutualistic relationships. (p. 15)

  • Flowery advertising, tempting toilets for shrews, bat beacons and more in this week?s news. (p. 15)

  • Almost everyone is infected, but in some people a widespread herpes bug appears to reach the central nervous system by an olfactory route. (p. 16)

  • Elderly women who have gaps in their breathing at night have a heightened risk of developing cognitive problems, a study finds. (p. 16)

  • Review by Sid Perkins (p. 30)

  • Review by Bruce Bower (p. 30)

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  • (p. 31)

  • Einstein invents fridges,cameras and clothing. (p. 32)


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