Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Brezinski Wins On The Course He Designed At The Red Bull Manny ...

August 22, 2011 ? 10:27 pm PT by Mike
Tags: David Gonzalez, Joey Brezinski, Manny Mania, Sewa Kroetkov ?

The Red Bull Manny Mania is surely one hell of an event.? It?s one of the few contests in the world where amateur nobodies can enter to compete against the best pros in the world.? Only in the World Series of Poker and Pros Vs Joes do you see that kind of intense competition.? Although the Pros in PROS VS JOES are pretty washed up by then, which puts the pros into the same category as most of the celebrities in DANCING WITH THE STARS.? So I suppose the only real event you can compare the world?s greatest skate athletes skating with amateurs are the The World Series of Poker ATHLETES who play with amateurs as well.

But only one slight complaint if I may do so.? It?s no secret that Joey Brezinski won this year?s Red Bull Manny Mania.? It?s no secret that Joey Brezinski designed this year?s course for the Red Bull Manny Mania.? And it?s no secret that Joey?s street name back in the day was Bucky.? But how is it okay that the best manual artist in the world today is in charge for creating a course, which would obviously suit his style over everybody else?s?? That?s like having THUNDER design the final obstacle course for the American Gladiators as he competes against some SCHMO on the very course he designed.? Or like your friend MANUEL throwing a dance contest that?s in his own HOUSE.

(Manuel ?Twinkle Toes? Rodriguez)

Other than that, big ups to Joey for winning yet another Red Bull Manny Mania event.? But moments before the final, a massive thunderstorm was threatening to soak Red Bull Manny Mania, yet miraculously the clouds parted and Joey Brezinski was able to skate his way back to the top of the podium for his 3rd event victory over the last 5 years. A deluge was not the only threat ? the Red Bull Manny Mania World Final champion Sewa Kroetkov from The Netherlands came in a close 2nd place, beating out many of the top pros who only a day ago were his idols, and are now his equals.

The contest saw some of the best in technical skateboarding hit the custom built course, designed by Brezinski himself, including event vets like Eli Reed and Ronnie Creager as well as new pros Walker Ryan and Joe Tookmanian. The early rounds saw impressive skating from Sewa, who continued his amazing trick barrage started the day before as well as ?lightning speed run from Dennis Busenitz where he kickflipped out of a manual over the big gap to flat and some amazing tricks from Brazil?s Alex Carolino like a switch flip manual switch flip out on the big box.

As the Doppler radar showed a very severe weather cell knocking on Coleman Park?s door, it was a rush to get the finals underway with Brezinski, Sewa, and 2007 winner Ronnie Creager all advancing as well as an unexpected appearance from David Gonzalez, who came to New York to support his brother who skated in the Red Bull Manny Mania World Final. Entering on a whim, he rode convincingly and earned his way to final heat.

BUCKY GETS LUCKY: Someone in the heavens must be a skateboarding fan, as the seemingly imminent storm somehow bypassed lower Manhattan and the final went off. The storm was on the course as Sewa and Brezinski battled it out trick for trick. Sewa continued with his technical showcase landing a nollie late flip nose manual nollie flip out while Joey answered back with an inward heel manny front variel heel out and a front blunt on the bar fakie manual fakie flip out, which judges felt ?put him over the top.

Brezinski knew he was up against stiff competition, ?I?m psyched it didn?t rain and we got to have a so rad contest. Sewa is gnarly. He?s got some tricks in the bag.? While Sewa could have won without much argument (even Joey was surprised when they handed him the trophy) he was humble in his experience. ?The pro skating was amazing. In the finals I got tired the last couple minutes.? Joey?s years as a pro paid off, with proper rest and concentration he was able to last to the clock ticked down and came away victorious. ?Third place went to David Gonzalez, who walked away with some special plans for his prize money, ?I can?t even believe I got 3rd in a manual contest, I don?t really skate manuals at all! I?m going to buy 4 guitars, that?s it.?

Fans were the real lucky ones, as they got to witness some of the best skating ever seen in the five year history of Red Bull Manny Mania. Perhaps the biggest fan of all was Alyssa Jugmoeunsing, 17, of Trinidad and Tobago who traveled just to see the contest.

?I came to New York to see Manny Mania. It was really awesome to see all the pros and make my dreams come true to see it live. It?s a lot better than just on You Tube!?

For Brezinski and Red Bull Manny Mania World Final champion Sewa, it will be a weekend to remember in the City where anything can happen ? especially with a little luck from above.

Red Bull Manny Mania Pro Final Results:
Sunday, August 21st, 2011
1.?? ?Joey Brezinski

2.??? Sewa Kroetkov

3.??? David Gonzalez

4. Ronnie Creager

5. ?Alex Carolino

6. ?Marty Murawski

7. ?Dennis Busenitz

8. ?Eli Reed

9. ?Steve Nesser

10. Walker Ryan

Source: http://www.lat34.com/2011/08/22/brezinski-wins-on-the-course-he-designed-at-the-red-bull-manny-mania/

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