Friday, July 13, 2012

Dalton Caldwell?s ?Alternative to Advertising Hell?: Making People Actually Pay For A Web Service

Screen shot 2012-07-13 at 2.49.05 PMDalton Caldwell is a very smart guy who has been a prominent entrepreneur and programmer on the Silicon Valley scene for a while now, so any time he announces a new project you can pretty much tell it is going to be newsworthy. A blog post he published today about "refocusing" his company to being a real-time feed API and service (essentially, a new version of Twitter) was no exception. Lots of things about Caldwell's new direction for are interesting: It's a big idea, attempting to go up against a big competitor, and he's going about funding it in an interesting Kickstarter-like way. We will absolutely be reporting on all of that more in the coming days. But to me, perhaps the most compelling aspect of the whole thing is his assertion that the currently dominant revenue model for web startups -- advertising -- just cannot go on any longer.


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