Monday, July 9, 2012

The Honest Reason Why Men You Like Just Want To Be Friends ...

Are you at a loss for why every guy that you fall in love with either avoids you like the plague or decides that you?re just friend material? Do you wish that you knew why every guy that is good and decent becomes turned off by you? Are you doing something wrong? Are you cursed? Whatever the real reason is you just want to put a stop to it and actually get the guy for once.

It?s driving you crazy. You just want a boyfriend. Is that too much to ask? It just seems that every guy you fall for winds up choosing another girl or you fall into the friend zone just when things start to get serious. You can feel that he?s into you. You?re sure of it. Then with clock-like precision, he tells you that he has started dating someone or he sits you down to give you the talk that you?ve heard far too many times. He tells you that he doesn?t feel anything more than friendship for you.

The main reason why this happens to you is that you are too nice. You are kind and accomodating to a fault when you first start down that dating path with a guy. While you might say that you can?t help it, this is actually a good curse to have. This is much better than the curse that many women have where they are self-centered and they don?t really seem to care about the guy that they are dating. Even though these girls seem to get the guy the majority of the time, relationships with women like this are often short lived. While a guy does like a challenge, when he realizes on some level that he is never going to be a priority in a woman?s life he will get tired of her behavior and move on. You have probably seen this yourself.

You are the complete opposite of selfish. You often find guys that are nice and kind. You begin to get to know each other and before you know it you?re falling in love. You devote yourself to getting to know him and you put your heart and soul into this relationship. You listen to him and enjoy spending time with him. You don?t complain when he needs to change plans or if he forgets to call. You aren?t clingy or rude to him like other girls are. You?re happy and you want him to be happy so you give him the benefit of the doubt at every corner.

This attitude can sometimes turn a guy off. As things progress and once you become pretty sure that this guy is someone that you want to date you become someone different. You go into ?girlfriend mode? and you change. While you were once fun and cool and the two of you had riveting conversations and there was chemistry, when you go into this zone a guy can feel it. A guy can feel when he is being cornered and instinctively he will want to flee.

As your next relationship starts to unfold, understand that although you?re just trying to be nice and to show your feelings for the man of your dreams, this might be a little too much for him to handle even if you haven?t said the word ?boyfriend? or ?girlfriend?. Keep on being yourself and let things progress from being friends towards more intimate things. Remember that the basis of the best and longest lasting relationships is true friendship. Focus on that and the hand holding and hugging and kissing will come in due time. Let him decide for himself that you are the one that he wants by his side always and you are the one that he wants to be his girlfriend.


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