Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Watermelon Matcha from Red Leaf Tea - SororiTea Sisters


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:? Green (Matcha)

Where to Buy:? Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

This slightly sweet Matcha treat with its watery velvety essence is an excellent accompaniment at any table of refreshment alternatives. This is because; Watermelon Matcha is a balanced treat that has something to offer to anyone with the willingness to partake of it. It brings out the taste in many foods and drinks and adds some of its own essence into any food or drink it is included. Watermelon Matcha slowly grows on the taste buds of those who choose to enjoy it.

Learn more about their Watermelon Matcha here.

Order Specifics:? This is the Basic (or Starter) Grade Matcha with the Distinctive Level of Flavor.

Taster?s Review:

I have to tell you, that when shopping for flavored Matcha at Red Leaf Tea, it?s really difficult to decide which flavors to choose!? There are so many different flavors, it?s hard to narrow it down to one or two!? Seriously, if I could have, I would have ended up ordering a whole lot more!

Unfortunately, I needed to limit myself to two flavors, and one of the flavors that was on my MUST try list was watermelon!? Not only is watermelon one of my very favorite fruit flavors, but, it also is a flavor that is not quite as common as other flavors when it comes to tea, so I think that was definitely a factor as well.

This Starter Grade Matcha is not quite as bright in color as a higher quality Matcha, but I expected that.? With Matcha ? you definitely get what you pay for.? But, I?m OK with that too, because I actually quite enjoy the flavor of this basic Matcha.? It is sweet and vegetative, with a nice creaminess to it.? It has a light froth, and surprisingly it doesn?t have that chalkiness that I have experienced in some other ?basic grade? Matcha.? That is to say:? for basic grade ? this stuff is pretty darned good!

I think that at this ?distinctive? level of flavor, the watermelon is just at the right level for me.? I don?t think I would want it stronger, because then it would be competing with the flavor of the Matcha too much.? And I don?t think I?d want it lighter, because I really wanted to TASTE the watermelon.? I don?t know if I would have experienced it in quite the same way if I would have tried the ?delicate? level of flavor ? but as this is, it?s perfect for my palate?s enjoyment.

This is one of the nicest flavored Matcha I?ve tried in some time.? Very refreshing, and definitely perfect for the summertime.? I think I might even try making some ice cream out of this stuff!? YUM!


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