Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Divorce: Victoria ... - Huffington Post

3 hours ago ( 7:37 PM)

the fact that the golddiggin winch went behind mr. cruise back to file divorce tells me all i need to know.

old_truck_fan: the fact that the golddiggin winch went behind mr. cruise

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4 hours ago ( 7:05 PM)

Dear Katie:
Take the f______ blanket away from your kid. She's too old to need it. If she is that insecure I'd get help for her. I am behind you all the way.
A Fan

anni3mac: Dear Katie: Take the f______ blanket away from your kid.

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3 hours ago ( 7:27 PM)

Maybe the little girl is scared of the cameras chasing after her and yelling things out at her, her mom, and her dad. Is it any of your business-
Before you say it, yes I can comment on your comment because that's posting comments on HuffPo is for, even if it's not my business. However, the girl doesn't deserve that because she never did anything to allow the public into her life

Ana729: Maybe the little girl is scared of the cameras chasing

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5 hours ago ( 5:26 PM)

So who is the lady in the picture? Doesn't look like either to me, but I'm not really up on this stuff.

upland_bill: So who is the lady in the picture? Doesn't look

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not yet lord,work still needs to be done

5 hours ago ( 5:18 PM)

i can never understand how so many women go into a marriage with eyes wide open on what the guy is at the start then go right to victumhood a few years later. i doubt he cheated on her as kidman did on him. if his beliefs were a problem why marry at all,you are not going to change the guy into what you want after the fact. to bad a kid got drug into it.

kckitty43: i can never understand how so many women go into

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5 hours ago ( 5:16 PM)

I was sure it would be william shatner.
that guy knows everything.

NoWayMan: I was sure it would be william shatner. that guy

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6 hours ago ( 4:10 PM)

Why is this so shocking. They are friends, that's what friends are for. Stupid article.

Triolovelady: Why is this so shocking. They are friends, that's what

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photo NotAcrook

Educating CONservatives one day at a time.

7 hours ago ( 3:39 PM)

Nipsey Russell?

NotAcrook: Nipsey Russell?

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6 hours ago ( 4:30 PM)

I was thinking Bootsie Collins...

Mychal: I was thinking Bootsie Collins...

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7 hours ago ( 3:23 PM)

Interesting how all of the profiled, divorced people looking for support were women. This is consistent with every divorce situation I have ever seen. The women are rallied around, while the men are left in the wilderness. Regardless of "fault." Men, just stay the lone wolf from the start. Don't ever be stupid enough to get married.

Box500: Interesting how all of the profiled, divorced people looking for

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A dictionary is your best friend!

6 hours ago ( 4:19 PM)

The women profiled were in marriages with husbands who cheated on them. Who did whom wrong? That's question #1.

Now to be fair re: equal gender representation. Can you provide a list of celebrity men who were abused, cheated on, etc by their women? It's your chance to bring justice to this situation. Go for it. :)

headhuntnyc: The women profiled were in marriages with husbands who cheated

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photo CCee

All Equal Under God.

6 hours ago ( 4:24 PM)

Normally .. But then there are those like Paul McCartney, His wife was Vilified during the divorce .. But Normally you are right.. The Guy ? Who Cares?..

I have Been married or 21 years.. Best Mistake I Ever Made :o)

CCee: Normally .. But then there are those like Paul McCartney,

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photo laughocrasy

LOL! We told 'em the wealth would trickle down!

8 hours ago ( 2:38 PM)

Scientology sure is wierd. From what I've learned about it, it's very much a trap, or can really seem like one.

I don't believe she played Tom. I think she sort of... Had to run for her life.

laughocrasy: Scientology sure is wierd. From what I've learned about it,

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A dictionary is your best friend!

6 hours ago ( 4:20 PM)

It's a money scam for sure. Sounds like it costs a fortune to join, belong and progress. And just where does all that money go . . .

headhuntnyc: It's a money scam for sure. Sounds like it costs

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8 hours ago ( 2:24 PM)

Stiff Vic is no saint. Whats the surprise here?

applegrove: Stiff Vic is no saint. Whats the surprise here?

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8 hours ago ( 2:15 PM)

Who cares it was inevitable! As is their next divorce!

StopMakingSense2: Who cares it was inevitable! As is their next divorce!

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Money doesn't buy class.....

9 hours ago ( 1:52 PM)

Well......bottom line......don't even attempt to corner a mountain lion......

SonyaInTx: Well......bottom line......don't even attempt to corner a mountain lion......

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10 hours ago (12:23 PM)

Everyone's saying her movie career has taken off since the divorce - didn't she just play the role of Jackie Kennedy while they were married? Seems to me she worked on whichever roles she wanted to while married & will now continue to do so...

lbreamer: Everyone's saying her movie career has taken off since the

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A dictionary is your best friend!

6 hours ago ( 4:21 PM)

I think it was pretty well documented that she only took roles that he approved of. She couldn't do the second Batman movie . . .

headhuntnyc: I think it was pretty well documented that she only

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20 minutes ago (10:15 PM)

Well then now she'll get to choose her own roles & we'll all see how she does...

lbreamer: Well then now she'll get to choose her own roles

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11 hours ago (11:58 AM)

Can someone tell me how a B list (now A list) actress managed to play one of the most powerful men in Hollywood for a fool?

And to think...he jumped on Oprah's couch. That at least should of bought him a divorce orchestrated to look like it was mutual.

She used all the divorce filler's momentum to her advantage.

Her divorce lawyer daddy is a genius. He helped her find East coast lawyers to gain parental rights, provided disposable cell phones, and helped turn Katie into a victim.

Not too shabby Katie. She hired a new body guard service that was ready to jump into action, had her new apartment ready, waited until Tom was in Iceland so he didn't have time to react. Returning to your church and old acting agency was smart.

Wow Katie, after the performance you put on Tom, nobody can tell you that you don't have talent. In fact, the only one who couldn't see what was happening was your mark (NICE).

She didn't leave him a shred of dignity, crushed her opponent COMPLETELY. She has the media believing he's a unhinged fanatic. And all right before his birthday (that's cold)!

Katie I'm curious...did you think this plan through when you were on Tom's private jet or living in one of his mansions?

Kidman couldn't have planned it better. Finally, Katie immediately used the fame she got from Tom's name to boost her career.

Well played "Ms." Homes...well played indeed...

Theanswer007: Can someone tell me how a B list (now A

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11 hours ago (12:01 PM)

Don't you have an "audit" to administer somewhere?

stepintothelight: Don't you have an "audit" to administer somewhere?

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10 hours ago (12:35 PM)

She knew what she was doing.
Get over seeing her as a 'victim.'
He was a scientologists before he met her.

Theanswer007: She knew what she was doing.   Get over seeing

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10 hours ago (12:06 PM)

she dodged a bullet IMO..he is a nut case control freak and she played him like a fiddle as soon as she found that out! Good for her...

silvercreeklady: she dodged a bullet IMO..he is a nut case control

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A dictionary is your best friend!

6 hours ago ( 4:14 PM)

I think he has gotten much worse the last few years.

headhuntnyc: I think he has gotten much worse the last few

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11 hours ago (11:17 AM)

A British tabloid claims she turned to a British celebrity. Yeah, no bias there.

Why would she turn to Victoria Beckham when the Beckhams have been friends with Tom Cruise all along? If she went to the extent of buying disposable phones and firing all her staff, I doubt she'd turn to someone in his circle for support.

argh38: A British tabloid claims she turned to a British celebrity.

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7 hours ago ( 3:15 PM)

She and Victoria Beckham were best of friends for a long time, but Tom kept pressing the Beckhams' to consider the Scientology thing and the couples' friendship cooled, but she and Victoria continued to have a friendship, hanging out, shopping etc. I am sure Victoria knew all about Katie's struggles with Scientology.

Carol_Harvey: She and Victoria Beckham were best of friends for a

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5 hours ago ( 5:09 PM)

Thanks. I thought the Beckhams WERE scientologists and couldn't understand why Holmes would go there.

amanandamouse: Thanks. I thought the Beckhams WERE scientologists and couldn't understand

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